
Poison ivy from yard work. Boooo

Then they might have been fun, boooo fun.

One of my friends has a pair, it's deeply flawed but has some neat elements.

"If he hadn't had that murder charge dangling over his head…"

Ha! That cutaway is so perfect.

Go watch Three Kings, it's great.

A: I have been listening to the Sore Feet Song loads this week after starting said show. B: There is something (almost) funny in its absurdity about banning movies due to the depiction of political corruption.

I enjoyed how they even worked in the "if we don't win this dance competition tank warfare game, our school will get shut down!" subplot.

Yeah it's just a really solid, enjoyable action picture. It's certainly not reinventing the genre or the Marvel franchise in general or anything, but as a piece of entertainment, the thing works.

I'm just on the first season at the moment, but given the way I tend to marathon things I'll probably be all caught up in short order.

This weekend I watched of the great noirs I'd inexplicably never managed to see until now, with Chinatown. As expected, it was a masterwork in craftsmanship and a pitch-perfect descent into the muddy underbelly of Los Angeles.

Oh yeah, I love those big black…..Oh god *throws up in bag*

You're using the Mitt Romney school of argumentation here, positing that our distaste for Zach Braff really just comes from us all being mad jelly of his talents and apparently, sex life.

Artisanal snark is the best snark.


I was amazed how some of the larger bunkers on the Point were absolutely shattered to pieces. The amount of force required to move some of those mammoth blocks of concrete is terrifying/awe-inspiring to comprehend.

This. From what I understand, the rifles thing is based off of some (probably true) events from the Eastern front of the First World War but somewhere along the line it got applied incorrectly to WW2 and has cast a long shadow over Western depictions of the Eastern Front history ever since.

It's always a bummer to remember that the original tagline to Call of Duty was "no one fights alone" given that the series has now become all about tacticool xxEliteOperatorsxx special forces superheroes.

They also had to churn out the game in a ridiculously short period, even by CoD standards. If I recall correctly the development cycle on 3 was something like seven months. Those are some ET: The Game level time constraints.

Oh yeah I completely get what you mean, I was just messing around and didn't intend for that to come off as a criticism. It was/is unquestionably a very different experience.