
Let's just hope he doesn't croak during one of his sessions, now there would be a surprise!

Having visited there, I can add a big ol' "Nope" to climbing said cliffs while people shoot at me.

A fine plan…until you find yourself in U-Boat country or on the receiving end of a Kamikaze.

Spiers was a pretty scary dude all around.

It's…happening? I can't really complain too much but I think I should start buckling down soon on moving onto the next stage of my life, whether that be grad school or a change in work location. If I seriously start now then I should pretty much be on the schedule I envisioned when I graduated.

The world's premier fedora-core modeling site.

Yeah I've always included Carentan among my favorites as well. I do wish they would have simply invented a name for the Blythe character rather than swiping one from a real person but the episode itself is quite excellent from both a character and action perspective.

B-but how else will I tell everyone in the bar about my second cousin twice removed who was totally in the IRA.

Random Irish historical factoid: During the 1930s and early 1940s the Irish Army actually used a helmet design adapted from the classic WW1 German Stalhelm.

That's not funny man, my friend was killed by a boner to the eye.

Become Vin Diesel.

Yeah, Libya has a long, long road to travel right now towards stability and reintegration but NATO's actions there were pretty much a text-book case of smart, limited intervention.

Dick Cheney already runs LichPAC.

Yeah I'm not really sure what Dan was thinking on that one.

Aside from many of the stereotypes about Italian war performance not quite being accurate, it always does strike me as a little weird on a moral level that people direct so much armchair criticism towards them not for fighting better/harder.

Yep, that sounds like a precisely correct encapsulation of things alright. All the smug superiority of being 'in the know', none of the hard work required to actually learn things.

I also like how in the above conspiracy theory, NASA is ostensibly just now pulling evidence of geocentrism from the web. Get on the ball guys!

The opposite but closely related cousin to that to that are the people who grasp onto one or two big name conspiracy theories, and might throw their support behind them if questioned, but otherwise are pretty regular folk.
