
"The ride of Raul Revere and that weird dude in a hood who he kept shouting at over and over"

I always figured the way to do a show like that would be to center it around a family.

Thrace! Glad to see you back.

Yeah, I get why there's an impulse to do so of course but at the end of the day if you remove any of the major Allied powers from the equation then victory suddenly becomes immensely more difficult, no one's contribution was superfluous.

But I was told that's what….god dammit!

When the story is over and the popcorn is gone you can use the bag to barf in, flawless planning.

Yeah that last shootout is really something, it still feels organic within the story but also really blindsides you with how rapidly everything collapses. The movie as a whole is a touch formulaic, but just damn well made and entertaining.

I don't understand how it keeps getting worse. The service would run more efficiently if they just had all of the employees stay home and do something, anything, other than work.

You win the race to fedora jokes today Shenanigans!

Raises are clearly for coke anyway amirite.

Yeah seeing this pop up on the front page unexpectedly was a very welcome surprise, and being able to rewatch and discuss it all with you AVC folks should be great.

Agreed, The Pacific is a superb piece of television but just the nature of BoB's setup I think lends it a more cohesive narrative focus and structure.

Feelin' pretty squatchey

I am irrationally irritated by the discussion of cilantro. I have nothing against it, but hearing it discussed for some reason drives me up the wall.

But magical skill doesn't hurt right? I was told by a trusted source that these card tricks would awe ladies in the sack!

I wrote an essay in sixth grade about how invading Iraq was a bad idea…because of its large and powerful (HAHA) Army.

Wake up Sheeple! Sheeple, Sheeple!

My problem is that while that criticism is perfectly reasonable and even insightful, for the topic to go trending on twitter Park completely threw out that nuanced argument and presented a completely different one (#cancelcolbert) that was basically inflammatory by design.

I certainly agree, though I do share some of the thoughts shared in this Atlantic article on the subject. A few of the points are a little suspect I think (and the headline) but overall there are some good observations.

This game sounds more amazing with every detail.