
Ah, sounds like some fine Airport Novel 101 right there.

The only thing that makes me feel better about Golden Dawn existing and being somewhat in the mainstream is that, at least for now, they've failed pretty miserably in their efforts to be media-savvy.

It was a rock mooonsteeer

This weekend I watched Dirty Pretty Things, featuring Chiwetel Ejiofor as an illegal immigrant in the UK who begins to unravel some of the peculiar goings-on at the second-rate hotel at which he's employed at night. The movie can be a touch too pat/predictable at times but it generates a unique underworld atmosphere

I understand where you're coming from but in this particular case I don't think that statement is that far off. If a close friend of mine did something that ticked me off, there's a big difference between just letting them know that their behavior in that context wasn't cool for whatever reason versus declaring that

I feel fairly confident in saying that there is way more money to be lost than made in helping Ukraine right now (but it's right thing to do anyway) . No one is making big buckaroos off doing so, austerity stricken Europe least of all. /There can be multiple reasons for doing things.

Something something won't somebody think of The Children!?

There are always exceptions.

Which sort of actually creates a weird narrative on some level.

Now I'm wondering if my pun's faux-racism was actually just sort of regular racist.

Yeah I get the feeling that at least half of the #Cancelcolbert hashtags are people saying how dumb it is.

I don't really think there's any true backlash period. It's just a vocal minority of angry twitterers (tweeters?) and some conservatives counter-trolling it to try and make their own points with it (See Malkin above).

I had a roommate for a little while who thought/thinks he's really conservative…so, yeah they are out there.

If the tenor of the conversation were more reasonable I might agree, but the core of the original argument wasn't so much that it was a misguided effort at satire that went too far as just "Stephen Colbert is a vicious racist who should be forced off of television!".

Some people seem to have a difficult time grasping the concept that multiple things can be varying levels of wrong at the same time.

It's irrelevant, his show is a gonger now.

Woah, woah slow down there.


The first time I heard it I thought it was deeply cringe worthy and sort of terrible and then over time I came to love its campy vibe. I think that's probably due more to Stockholm song syndrome than anything else, but it's definitely memorable.

I'm partial to the season 3 version myself.