
Erdogan has really been flailing for the past year or so, a string of scandals and blatant efforts at damage control and increasing restrictions on the flow of nformation have done him no favors. I'm hoping Turkey will be able to correct-course in due time, and I don't think this is a winning battle for Erdogan in the

Well, this looks worse than I could have imagined.

Trying to find any consistency in the "Men are supposed to sleep around, but women are sluts if they sleep around, but men aren't, but they still need to get laid all the time, presumably by women who sleep around, who they hate" thing gives me the worst headache. Just…what the fuck am I reading.

Guys, these fine men find themselves mail order brides because they're too good for those anglo hussies. It's definitely not because they are miserable balls of human rage who utter the phrases 'wise ancients' and 'delightful hole' with complete sincerity.


I don't know, it sounds like they somehow managed to take the admirable concept of "watch wounded veterans triumph over adversity" and turned it into "Let's pit a bunch of cripples against each-other in a grueling doom race".

The thing that really irritates me in the ads for this, aside from what you've already stated, is how clumsily long all of the punchlines are.

Edit: Nevermind, it is in fact gone.

It's called a 'cleanse' bro, turning my ass into a shit hose totally clears out the toxins.

Nah that I understand, it's just a lot of mainstream news networks do a pretty poor job with their North Korea coverage.

I imagine most North Koreans would enthusiastically welcome such a mandate, it might require food!

Don't we all?

While granted my sample size isn't that large, every Mormon girl I've ever met has been uncommonly attractive. For a split second, it almost makes jumping onboard seem like a good idea.

Granted, the actress isn't really the problem in Temple of Doom. It's namely just that the script requires her to be screaming for seemingly 90% of movie.

Happy birthday!

Just another day at the frat house.

That mouse is trying to give dik to kids! Get him!

This bra bomb better work Lloydexter!

Although by and large I agree, there is a certain logic to having EA 'win' this award in that those larger companies are basically immune to its impact but EA almost always throws a huge shitfit when this poll comes around and end up embarrassing themselves further.

"If only all those filthy vegetarians would get cancer, then they'd find god! Hardy har!"