
Now tell me, what's the deal with airplane pea….ohh this thread is for a different kind of corny joke.

Discussions about him always tend to bring out one or two people who really want to tell you all about the age of consent in Sweden.

I imagine it was because he was a minor but, seriously just a little over a month in jail for beating two people almost to death?

::Skrillex flails arms in vain attempt to approximate dancing::

I'll think of them in my bunk amirite.

Although The Civil War was basically on constant rotation in my household back in the day, I'm not sure if I've ever actually watched it start to finish. I may have a new task ahead of me!

I love Solaris but if patience is an issue, just, be prepared when they start driving on a highway in said movie.

I've not seen the Dessin film so I can't compare the two, but it's definitely a solid watch.

*Coyote crosses by DBoon's post*

I got a little unintentional chuckle out of when Gosling, with great gravitas, relayed the story of 'the frog and scorpion' over the phone in the latter half of the movie. Some things just aren't meant to be said in such a serious tone.

Sound the Leverage horn!

Happy birthday sir and best luck with the job hunt.

She was a real human bean.

This weekend I watched the enjoyable late 40's procedural The Naked City and Andrei Tarkovsky's World War II film Ivan's Childhood.

Yeah I mean, I pretty well love B99 but the thing with the Boyle-Rosa relationship is that not only is it slightly weird/tired but it's also arguably the least funny part of the show. Both characters and both actors are really great, but doubly so when they are given something to do other than tired relationship stuff.

It would have a good punchline at least.

If a stalker creeps in the forest, and there is no one is there to see him, is he still a stalker?

You can see stars on the lower west side?

I once had to listen to an interminable PUA cell-phone conversation on a train for well over an hour. Dear god, the lingo, the horrible lingo.

I've been watching the third season of the show Fresh Meat this week, and it has a plot arc with one of its central characters that serves as a nice antidote to this all too common romantic path in sitcoms.