
In due time friend, in due time. Prepare the ramparts!

Reddit's Boston bombing investigation taught me that drawing circles around things makes your observations super legit.


There is one big difference though in that he has basically already conceded losing those states to the West's sphere of influence.

Must be rats.

Dystopian Portland.


I went on a date a month or so back with a girl who looked almost exactly like Woodley, and….yep that's the entire story.

The tune is a little unwieldy I'll concede but I've always actually liked the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner.

Yeah, the core conceit just doesn't make any sense at all. Even the Bolsheviks would hear that idea and be like, "guys, I'm pretty sure this is not how people work."

I don't imagine this film will catch fire at the box office given that the mass audience's hunger for such cinematic games has already been sated by Collins' films. One can't strike gold twice so I imagine we will be mocking Jay Neil Hamburger in due time.

South Sudan is easy, Juba. Juba, Juba, Juba, it's so fun!

Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!

In the intro movie they show you at Manhattan's giant Scientology center (My friends and I went there for the laffs, and laffs we had) they try super hard to disguise how batshit they are but still couldn't resist slipping in a line about psychiatry being a 'government plot for mind control'. Oh the irony.

The incompetence!

I'll probably by a Nexus tablet in the next few weeks, objectively a proper laptop would probably be a better use of my money but……..

Ugh that fucking ad. Lacking adequate vacation time is not a virtue.


"Hey slut, would you like to couple with me for the purposes of genetic posterity?"