
Some people just can't wait for their snark fix.

*high fives* *high fives* *high fives*

You're not alone sir.

Also the protagonist's mentor being the villain or in league with the villain all along, it's slightly less common in movies and television but everywhere in games.

A close cousin to when an expendable character is about to blow this whole thing WIDE OPEN but then dies over the radio/phone/video-channel just before they explain the entire plot.

Somewhat related to that trope is the one in police/military focused shows or movies where those damn politicians/pencil pushers/NGO volunteers stop our boys from "doing their jobs" or whatever, usually in incredibly hackneyed ways and with approximately zero characterization.

My favorite example of this is in the absolutely dreadful Windtalkers. "Hey man, can you take my wedding ring for my girl back home, in case I totally get killed in the next scene".

Serial killer shows in general for me. Even though objectively I understand there's a bunch of programming on right now and in the past that have taken this genre and done interesting things with it, I just cannot bring myself to give any shits.

TV currency exchange works like the Middle Ages, just toss a bag of gold at your waiter. That's what I do.

Please let me into the VIP terminal you have access to, I won't tell anyone!

The AV Club is well known for its love of The Killing and Whitney after all.

Penn is second only in this regard to LaGuardia, which as an even more important travel hub is a total embarrassment to the city and should probably be razed at the first available opportunity.

I have huge issues with Israeli policy and I find Benjamin Netanyahu utterly repellent but I find this tendency I see all the time to basically wave away the Israeli's "getting a taste of their own medicine" to be ethically compromised and practically unproductive.

Heroes who endorsed Mike "women can't control their libidos" Huckabee. Oh the irony.

Unfortunately, it would also really shave down your life, being disassembled on the molecular level is no fun at all.

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

Well, this article is like a decade old now so maybe not completely fair but it's probably the main culprit here.

Yeah I'm not too big on most of Flanagan's other stuff which can definitely be a bit moralistic and retrograde, but in this particular case I thought it was a worthwhile piece, keeping those caveats in mind.

Yeah that article was quite well-done, and did a good job of making serious critiques without getting too sensationalistic.