
Happy birthday!

Yeah reading up later on all the little callbacks and references sprinkled throughout the movie was a lot of fun, and I found it both surprising and cool that so many real figures were able to have a sense of humor and contribute to a scarcely positive portrayal of their industry.

Yeah, it has some issues to be certain but the core gameplay remains very much the same and is very solid as such. I have nearly 300 hours (oh god my life sounds sad when I type that) on it so it must be doing something right….

This weekend I caught up with one of the greats I'd somehow never managed to watch until now, in this case the gloriously bizarre Sunset Boulevard. The movie lived up to its sterling reputation, and I loved the gothic-noir atmosphere.

Spike Lee just tweeted Josip Tito's home address

Yeah, it's a largely slanderous dog whistle but the term does carry specific historical connotations/baggage that people in Russin and Ukraine would be immediately familiar with and that go beyond the usual misuse of it

Ahem, the true forgotten swastika is really just the eastern symbol for l………ZZZZZZzzzz

I never saw Legend because I remember the trailers looking pretty dire and it featured a moppet, but the Mask of Zorro is definitely an underrated, well-crafted action movie.

Please Campbell, we all know what really went down.

Wannsee yourself out.

That's what happens when your mom sets you up on dates with "nice boys from Brazil".

You need refined hand control to master curling.

I have nothing to add here but that Morrowind is awesome and you have fine taste, sir.

Yeah, Westeros is a rare fantasy world that has almost no escapist appeal for me. It's probably significantly more miserable than the real middle ages.

Yesterday while browsing completely innocuous videos on Youtube, I spotted a 'related video' which somehow posited that Putin's invasion of the Crimea was actually a bold, admirable move in the battle against the NWO.

One day I will own ranch in Montana Captain, with pickup truck and two wives.

I agree with many of your broad points and about not judging ancient societies by modern standards and so on, but I think the review's criticisms stick for me because the film pretty explicitly connects Athenian society with modern concepts of democracy, etc.

Corleone & Sons Sand and Cement Company

People don't rise from their graves for a bad product man, that's got to be one quality Swiffer!

Oh what I would give for low 40s.