
Did he just collect them? Was there an endgame in mind here?

To be fair, when you open the door to leave said public restroom it's going to be after you've washed your hands already and thereby sort of defeats the purpose since people who didn't wash their hands also used said door. Those barbarians!

For some reason=germs, germs everywhere.

I almost felt a tinge of regret for losing downvoting, downvoting, Disqus what hath you done to me!

Yeah, not going on /v/ anymore has been one of best decisions I've made in regards to my internet use.

The water analogy is apt indeed, thanks.

Even Hitler and Stalin had to take fat dumps now and again.

I do wonder if the historical window on the mass popularity of literary fiction was actually always destined to be pretty brief.

Thanks Franko.

Yeah if you find some of her albums slightly clinical but still interesting I'd certainly recommend checking out the live show, the instrumentation is definitely placed more at the forefront and has a livelier/louder edge.

No masturbation, ay? Are you sure this wasn't a K-Pop fan who wandered in on accident?

I keep meaning to pick up EUIV, it's a series which I've somehow never actually delved into very deeply despite my enjoyment of CK. Not that I don't already have a substantial backlog to attend to…

Yeah, Undeclared is probably still a slightly above-average show but it doesn't really have Freaks atmosphere of a lived-in reality or sense of place.

Quite enjoyable, I'm just two episodes away from wrapping up season 2. Caterina has been a fun antagonist.

Thanks (and to Buzz, Ice Cream and Al), it's certainly always hard, no matter the circumstances.

Thanks Judkins. Sorry to hear about your grandfather.

It's been an altogether strange, bummer of a week as my grandmother on my mom's side passed away on Monday. She'd been having health scares on and off for some time but always seemed to bounce right on back as if nothing had happened every time, and as such we were all a bit blindsided when the news came. Everything

Right that's fair, and I would most certainly never propose anyone ignore or excuse Soviet crimes and repressions.

But it kind of is?

It is. Unless you really want to see accurate Italian uniforms on screen there…well no still wouldn't recommend it.