
It's not the worst in that regard, but those admittedly well-done but historically FUBAR beginning scenes have basically been copied ad nauseum in every Western/non-Russian depiction of the Eastern Front since, whether it be in other movies or video games etc.

Trotsky was a fascinating figure but people can definitely soften up his views quite a bit when they envision his future as compared to Stalinism.

Given how poor the vast majority of the History Channel's programming is, I'm guessing it has just flown under most people's radar.

I remember her interview being a lot of fun, it's always entertaining to see Colbert get a little endearingly flustered when someone's on that he admires a lot (See Dolly Parton, Devo etc) since he's generally so brilliantly unfazeable with rolling with the punches in character.

So many fluids…

"Tell me about your selection of pickles and donuts"

Yeah I'm sort of ambivalent about Fincher.

On one hand I don't want to draw myself into this discussion because I find it all pretty silly, but is this actually 'out in the open'?

She actually has a song on the soundtrack of I think the second Twilight movie, which is also stacked with a number of other well-respected indie musicians.

Dear Internet,

Who knew Mussolini was such a softie. Il Duce was just misunderstood after all.

I'll be not missing that chance tomorrow, hell yeah.

I used to do 9-10 hours semi-regularly, but that was only because the city's subway/metro closed at midnight and didn't open again till the morning.

I also have no idea how anyone at the top found this idea sustainable unless they are fully expecting it to dump the gimmick after a single season.

I'm not a Greengrass aficionado but I do highly recommend seeking out Bloody Sunday. It remains far and away his best work to me (though I haven't seen Phillips).

Yeah, the 'alien just wanted love' vibes don't really work when the characters are standing in a cave full of his victims.

Touch of Evil and High and Low make a fine double feature. The second half of the latter actually reminded me quite a bit of the former.

High and Low: There be spoilers ahead. TL:DR High and Low is good.

I laughed, then I felt bad, but I laughed.

The 'Nearer my God to Thee' slow dance really sold the impending doom vibes.