
Same here, but that aside I think he was basically perfect for that role and am always surprised so many people think otherwise.

AVC reviewed The Pacific during its initial run, and while obviously they are not active anymore I'd recommend checking out the comments sections for the reviews, there were some great discussions on there and the reviews themselves were very well done.

There's a lot that's great about it and a lot that needs a good deal of work yet. As is the series core, the battles and visuals are great and the pure level of detail and variety regarding units is quite astounding, and both in terms of size and breadth of factions/cultures the campaign map is absolutely vast.

It's not too bad, basically just one dumb post and then loads of very lovely, well-written responses from regulars.

So, is Death Note actually good?

Yeah, there is some nice character work in between all of the over-the-top action.

Yeah I saw Hidden Fortress the first time in a film class and was surprised just how similar the first 20 or so minutes of the movie is to Star Wars on a plot and shot-by-shot basis. I'd always known Lucas was a Kurosawa afficionado but it's a much more direct homage than many realize, at the beginning at least.

Oh yeah, it's a prime 'just one more episode' sort of show but somehow with much less wheel-spinning than average.

It's tough to choose a favorite arc with so many memorable ones, but I did really enjoy how the 'vampire' arc flipped anime all sorts of anime cliches on their head.

Oppression and romance? My Tumblr sense is going wild!

Took a (indecision induced) break from movies this weekend, spending most of my time with TV and games. On the TV end, finished up Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and blazed through the gleefully preposterous but regrettably brief Black Lagoon.

Maybe, but even then if you take a guy who is inexperienced and probably uncomfortable with sex it seems like making him carry around the fact that he visited a prostitute is a recipe for disaster. No one is going to want to admit that to a partner, but lying about it is pretty shitty too.

It has a few nice scenes and visuals but overall I wouldn't even call it bad so much as it just 'exists' and not much else.

On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.

Milk, Milk lemonade?

This is definitely the case with a lot of guys, and it's a tendency that's so ingrained that it can be kind of hard to shake it off even if you are fully aware of it.

If they're coming from very religious backgrounds, marriage might also be a much less distant prospect than we're initially thinking.

Bosch has a disappointing lack of evil Kaisers and people strutting about in Pickelhaubes. You've lost me Amazon!

Also, I am always quite skeptical on how much that experience would actually help a lot of these people.

"The first 45 minutes of Fight Club were so awesome I didn't need to see the rest!" -Dumbfuck McGee, founder of University Fight Club.