
Colbert skewers the drone program constantly and while yes he has various friendly ambassadors and military figures on now and again, he's had just as many authors and academics who have been critical of US foreign policy, surveillance etc. Just in Iceland's above example he made utterly clear, to the president no

This show reminds me a lot of Vegas on CBS, in that it had a great setting and concept but it was nevertheless obvious from the get-go that it was going to be derivative and squander almost all of that great potential to conform to the standard network TV format.

Hatesong brings out the absolute worst in all commenters, it's usually best to just stay away.

There are few things more irritating than when people conflate liking something with it being good and anything they're not personally interested in is shit and/or stupid.

I used the Modell Method and now I'm neck deep in pussy!

Multidimensional cowgirl.

"Hello, I'm B-List Actor, and I'm here to sell you nostalgia for the best time in history as you wait for the cold, inevitable embrace of nothingness."

Elderly philanthropist posters just don't have the same appeal as dorm room furnishings.

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

When I worked at a survey call center in college the absolute worst part was that even if a person said they weren't interested, you weren't supposed to take the number off the call list until you were sure someone else in the household might not want to take the survey or they explicitly specified you do so.

United Red Army: A fascinating drama documenting the development, rise and collapse of radical left-wing terrorism in Japan. The film's opening 45-50 odd minutes are informative but rather clunky as the viewer is whisked through over a decades worth of Japanese historical events, figures and fairly complicated

Oh yeah, once you've read the chronicles of Soni-chu. You've seen some shit.

Codpiece! Codpiece!

This is bringing me back to some friends and I getting stopped twice in one night by different sets of Russian police officers so they could declare their undying love for a female friend of mine. Dudes know how to wax poetic I will absolutely give them that.

If you play Murmansk I feel obligated to raise you Norilsk, which makes the former look like a swell B&B retreat. Have Fun!

I'm surprised Russian men have a following. In the words of one of my female academic advisers over there:

I reluctantly like this statement for its accuracy.

The real question is, will this spur massive internet rage from Sonic's terrifying, incomprehensible fanbase?

Mmmm steamed titans on a roll.

I imagine the logic here is that a C or D would suggest that this is just a standard issue costume drama of the type churned out by British television ad nauseum. Stodgy and archaic but essentially mediocre at worst, whereas this particular program distinguishes itself through the unique power of its incredibly