
What if he was one of us!?

I feel uncomfortable agreeing with a comment from The Daily Mail.

AoT definitely has some pacing/wheel-spinning issues but overall I liked it quite a bit.

I remember a few years ago I downloaded the first Best Coast album via Megaupload or one of its equivalents, only to discover that while the first 20 odd seconds of each song were legit that the rest was replaced with polka music or something.

Yeah this is the big one for me. I dropped out around season 4 when things started to get really broad.

Just started watching this last week, good stuff indeed.


Quite a good movie, I will now also take this moment to recommend Carlos. Because it's awesome.

From what I understand, Nadya/Masha and Pussy Riot proper have basically sworn off said third member in public letters.

Clooney's political stuff is also more grounded, he's not rambling on about giving the Falklands back to Argentina or something.

The historian in me always cries foul when movies really muck up the events or characterization of something/someone real. But then there are loads of movies, particularly older ones, that completely do just that and are really great and I wouldn't change a thing.

I keep vacillating between thinking it looks good or like a real disaster in the making. There are a few images and scenes I really like the look of but also just as many moments that come across as incredibly stilted and a bit silly.

Don't limit yourself, you can do that anywhere! Carpe Diem! (Carpe Dickem?)

BiebBitches against Interpol

Small stuff.

I only buy conflict-free dildos.

All roads lead to slash fiction.

I divorced breakfast years ago, we just silently pass glances these days.