
A- for me, might actually be my favorite of the season so far. I got plenty of big laughs out of it, really liked the character elements and Wire-esque glad-handing and having a (more) grounded episode was a nice change of pace.

One wonders, years later, if the weiners planted in high school reading material have yet been discovered or if they remain hidden for all time, like the Ark at the end of Raiders.

Watch out for those feisty Huns see, bunch of bad eggs!

Boo Booooo

If I could give this multiple likes, I would.

Regrettably, this reference flies right on over my head.

Some of the arguments presented in the first several paragraphs are a bit definitely off-base, and the necessity of perceiving the Bowl as a universally shared cultural experience stood out as strange to me I'll agree, having approximately half the country engaged in something with you should probably be enough.

Proletarian Coal Production Cup XIII

Heroes of Cokengrad, you shall be remembered.

It's really a great public service that Doritos are so messy. If they weren't, I'd probably eat them all the time because they are so simultaneously disgusting but delicious.

The idea that there are sincere, dedicated Uwe Boll fans both confuses and frightens me.

I think on that front that Boll might legitimately think he has Big Important Things to say.

Tone is definitely the big divider here.

I'm reasonably sympathetic to your argument Lurky, but mildly caustic tone aside, as of now John Teti has not bludgeoned anybody with a high speed charge of the type you might find in that sport…eggrun?

Isn't there a difference in fundamentals here though?

Garfield. He's going to accomplish great things!


That well-intentioned loophole has thankfully been closed now as far as I know, which probably accounts for the slightly slower rate of schlock coming out of the Boll factory.

Definitely in agreement on this point overall.

Not sure how you are defining strictly necessary.