
I remember stepping out of class the last 420 that I was still in college to the sounds of a drum circle.

There is an amazing Roman lamp on the Wikipedia page about Pompeii that is a giant, winged scrotum flying majestically through the sky.

The first week of college I met this girl out during one of those move-in social events for our dorm we started hanging out fairly regularly in the days afterward.

Wub Wub Wub!

The primary duty of snow is to make being indoors feel more cozy, and at this it truly excels.

I'm seeing St. Vincent in late February, huzzah!

I'm not sure why we're placing the full responsibility for those 500,000 dead on the North's end. Whatever their purpose, the South instigated not only secession but also the initial acts of military engagement.

Gettysburg I think holds up as a pretty great movie but it's nearly impossible to conceive of a worse follow up than Gods and Generals.

Are you saying you don't want all your news broken down into 40 incomprehensible Disney gifs?

The last time I went on Gawker was when they 'outed' some Miss Teen USA winner and/or contestant for having been in an internet porn video.

The Act of Killing: A remarkable, important and deeply unsettling documentary that's quite unlike anything I've ever seen and completely lived up to the high praises it has received. A great film, albeit one I surely won't be looking to watch again anytime soon.

Yeah that scene was maybe the most heartbreaking and disturbing in the film for me.

That seems like a fairly human tendency to me. I'm very liberal on the political scale and am not inclined toward ostentatious living or spending but it's not like I've never dreamed of winning the lottery and leaving it all behind.

I don't really think most people are getting bent out of shape because something they believe in was made fun of, but because it's just frustrating for a show predicated on skeptical objectivity to sometimes peddle bad information that is not validated by the scientific/medical consensus.

I imagine there's a certain divide between people who simply practice 'skepticism' in their daily lives and look at subjects from a critical angle and those who actively identify as part of the 'skeptic community.'

The through-line of McCain's behavior I've found tends to be the degree to which he has a personal stake or relationship to an issue.

The most irritating thing about this show for me is that I used to run into people all the time in college who tried to pass off its findings as their own personal insights.

I haven't, but you're right I should check it out. I believe it's on Netflix even. He's unquestionably a very talented filmmaker, just most of his stuff leaves me cold personally.

*NSA snatches Jean Luc-de-Lemur: 25 to Life*

Sans Europa I'm largely ambivalent or negative when it comes to Von Trier, and I'd more or less cast this off as more of the same after the trailer.