
Don't feed the troll-idiot folks.

A priest, a Jew and an Irishman walk into a bar.
The priest orders wine, the Irishman orders a Guinness and the Jew champagne.

"Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos"

It's also also the unfortunate dumping ground of the Free State movement. Thankfully, they mostly keep cloistered to themselves in the Ron Paul voting northern hinterlands.

This looks like it should be a novelty poster at Spencer's Gifts.

It truly requires a remarkable lack of self-awareness and (career) survival instincts.

With Eartha Kitt?

Yeah, all that aforementioned silliness is one of the main things that has prevented me from ever digging much into comic books proper.

It's possible they threatened to damage equipment or alternatively, hurt her at a later date rather than that particular moment.

I want to upvote your observation but downvote this course of events. I'm so lost!

Is it better to hate-listen to this song on youtube and thereby contribute to their success or go out the way to torrent it and thus bring less market guilt, but great personal shame on oneself? This is the true dilemma.

Now, now everyone. We all know Indian food is the clear winner here.

Spoiler alert. That's the end of the movie.

Michael Bay Presents Zulu-splosions

Although the endless proliferation of super-hero movies is tiring to me on some level, I do have to respect Marvel for reliably creating competent action movies with fun performances and characters.

From a Cubs fan, I feel your pain.

Indy, cubra su corazon! Cubra su corazooon!

It also seems like you need to have the body of a sculpted Greek adonis to really be sexy using lotion, and in that case you probably don't actually need much help being sexy to begin with.

I think I've told this story once on here before, but there was a "Womyn's Club" at my large public university that once organized a pornography burning for one of their organization's events.

And now they lecture everyone about Christianity. Ah, born agains.