
There's a huge Scientology complex in Manhattan as well.

Paris has one of the world's premier military history museums, covering basically the entire span of human civilization at Les Invalides. Napoleon's tomb is also located in the same complex.

Or in true ninja form, do flips and kill people.

This forum set up is giving me some serious middle-school nostalgia. I'll certainly be onboard and set up my account this morning, though hopefully the word forum in the URL won't set off any filters at work.

It's been pretty cold out lately, but I don't really have an ideal coat solution to the problem.

It's like we're really in 1998.

I'm still not convinced Channing Tatum wasn't created in some sort of scientific experiment based on his name alone.

The course these movies are taking sort of reminds me of old video games. Now we're doing the underwater movie, next we'll do the snow movie and damn if you won't like Avatar IV: This Time There's Lava.

What will propeller guy hit now?

Wasn't the second half all about Laurie becoming kind of an overbearing dick though?

Yep, the soundtrack and movie always get plenty of play round Christmas time at the Comrade household.

It's a real mancession out here.

Because: The Internet

"It's not that I disagree with the conclusions Director, but I still don't see where Al-Qaeda comes into this report on adorable critters"

Abu Gharib is for lovers, they said.

They are also tragically illegal in all manner of states worth living in.

I would like this, but I'll simply not be the one to alter your perfect '69' upvotes.

Snark aside (and oh, there's so much room for snark, so much). I will say that Super Duper Weenie is a quality establishment, as far as trucks serving horrifying but delicious junk food are concerned.

There are innumerable stupid elements to this but the 'rims and low riding tires' bit really shows her dedication to dog whistle racism.

The Satyricon is the perfect guide to living a modest and moral lifestyle after all.