
So, the horrible end result of obsessing over zombies is…that we get better healthcare?

The War on Christmas is getting too commercialized these days. Can't we just get back to the basics of watching Bill O'Reilly and posting terrible facebook memes?

You underestimate Jim Treacher, my optimistic friend.

If you take the above statement completely out of the context from everything else he said it almost sounds like a reasonable criticism.

Although looking back through the series I can see where said essay might be coming from, it seems like a little bit of a reductive summation of the entire show, given that it's two central female characters are far better developed than those of many of its peers and actively buck a lot of 'shrew' stereotypes.

Yeah, that's a good point regarding the assimilation and replacement of the 'individual' into the singular, politically oriented unit.

Spoilers etc.

Yeah, if I recall that was the AVC's primary critique in their review of the film as well, that it was a good recreation of the historical proceedings but didn't quite add enough in terms of the discussion/understanding of the group independently. I thought it had a solid balance between the two but it's definitely a

Chivalry is definitely one of my favorite recent indie titles and a very impressive production for a small team, if a bit rough round the edges nevertheless.

I haven't watched it yet but it's on the Netflix docket, I'm thinking of watching it next weekend for that very purpose.

The Baader-Meinhof Complex: Well-staged thriller chronicling the establishment, rise and peak of the German terrorist organization Red Army Faction/Fraction that sowed havoc and seized the national imagination throughout the 1970s.

I think it's for the best seeing as his perving mostly made me want to take a shower and scrub the gross away. AVC perving only makes me want to do that some of the time!

By contrast, I think we would find they very much do.

Commence the docking puns!

I'm in the middle of watching that for the first time right now, Titus Pullo is one cool dude.

I had a dream last night where I went on a date with Annie Clark of St. Vincent, only for it to be interrupted by a giant, obese black fellow who chased me around action movie style for the rest of the dream. Make of this what you will.

I don't think that's the real Cookie Monster, but rather a subtle imposter.

Reading all these comments has made clear that if anything, Heller's article understates just how weird this fellow is, and that's certainly saying something.

Well, that certainly sounds like…something.

Yeah, anyone who excuses their shitty views or behavior by explaining that it's 'hard-wired' into humanity is basically planting a giant red-flag on the peak of creep mountain. It's easily one of the most insufferable varieties of pop-science.