
This makes The Wheel of Time look efficient by comparison.

Royal incest is all the rage right now.

Meth is one hell of a drug.

With Hunky Nostradamus, anything is possible.


I don't know the full quote almost makes things worse for me. Beyond the abortion line he also denigrates the objectivity and professional integrity of his fellow critics and suggests that any praise Baumbach might receive is not the product of the quality of his work but rather nepotism that he alone can see beyond,

Expanding on your first point, how many depictions of the experience of slavery are there even?

Sure this house might be nice and all, but without marble counter-tops and stainless steel faucets, well it's as good as a cave.

Although my evidence here is anecdotal, I'd say there's been a slight uptick in historical revisionism regarding the issue of slavery and race in recent years among certain contingents of the U.S population.

From the people who brought you Mandingo

Has Ghostbusters taught you nothing friend?

I think the only problem there is that the location would always be changing, I'm not sure people would be able to keep up. The TI is perfect because of the reliable schedule and in the middle of the week.

Yeah, one of mine disappeared earlier too. It was fittingly enough about another Disqus problem.

The main problem visually is that everything sort of merges together into one mega thread. There really needs to be greater differentiation between the beginning and end of threads.

Is anyone else having seemingly random comments be 'flagged' for moderation all over the place?


It's a good thing Breaking Bad and Community season 3 ended before NuDisqus. Those would have been an unnavigable disasters.

Squirrels have invaded the ceiling at the office. I can hear them pitter-pattering away directly above me at this very moment, and they chewed through one of my coworker's phone lines. So, if I suddenly stop posting, well you know what happened.

Let's get ready to fuuumbleeee….with NuDisqus.

But what if commenting is our social life?