
You're going to want it. NuDisqus is awash with CancerAIDS.

Marvel would be physically incapable of saying no to an incoherent cross-over. Your millions are inbound.

Disqus would be more honest if it only told me when it wasn't loading slower than usual.

A television reboot of Marvel Apes is the obvious solution here.

More like Peter Pork-her am I right bros?

My uninformed guess here would be that the setting was decided by the simple equation that 'France equals romance' for this show's intended audience.

To be fair, most of the out-of-context political memes are the product of people rehashing 4chan content that is months or even years past its prime and has fully entered the mainstream, and is almost never the doing of 4chan proper.

So far it's O-K. The 'load more comments' function is about as irritating and mystifying as anticipated, but it's surmountable nevertheless and visually it looks serviceable.

It's time to upvote myself! I'm mad with power!


That's awesome, congratulations!

A Town Called Panic is so much fun, I initially watched it with a bunch of friends while thoroughly hung-over but a few minutes with that goofy crew and I was completely engaged. The French voice-work alone is just so damn funny.

Well said good sir.

I'll certainly be sticking it out for at least a while, I'm not particularly optimistic about the change but maybe we'll all adapt to things and be able to carry on more easily than we anticipate. It'd be a bummer to see everyone jump ship immediately.

Time to dust off the ol' snail mail account.

His old Project Runway reviews are rightfully the stuff of AVC Legend (STILL NO OWL) so that's welcome news indeed.

Or 'liked' them as it were.

Ugh the load more comments thing is the worst. I like commenting here obviously but I'm not sure I'll have the patience to use an interface that counter-intuitive in the long term.

Yeah, if this was being directed by anyone other than him I'd actually be somewhat excited. If we're lucky he'll stick to the producing role because I certainly don't wish to suffer through something like Pearl Harbor ever again.