

Although this is their first expose on the NFL proper, Frontline did do a special on the risks and emerging data on head trauma in relation to High School football a few years ago as well.

I've never understood people who ostensibly watch auto-racing 'for the crashes'. They're simply not that common in the vast majority of races and those that do happen are generally pretty mild segues off the track not total wrecks. Which, of course are horrible and not entertaining at all when they do occur.

It will be the gritty adaptation of the videogame 'Commander Keen'.

Bloody Sunday remains his best work to me, it's really an excellent, powerful and underrated film.


I saw a "SITH" license plate some months ago. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the driver looked more comic-book guy than Darth Maul.

I was so weak after I got food poisoning that in order to get liquids I just laid my beverage on my face and let it flow forth. In retrospect, that was kind of gross but also kind of describes the whole experience.

That whole segment was brilliant. Both Daily and Colbert have really been doing a great job with the shutdown.


At least you can now devote your full energy to your second line of work, posting on the AVC. It might not pay well but we offer great benefits.

Moving money into the Eurozone for stability? Bizarro world indeed comrades.

Unfortunately, considering even this compromise has nevertheless netted us a government shutdown thanks to the Republican opposition I'm pretty sure reaching for anything more comprehensive would have been impossible.

Yes sir, a guy on Facebook the other day posted that if Republicans are the ones responsible for the government shutdown then he'd (continue) voting for them for years to come because '"for the first time in years" his "rights and liberties are safe".

I'm getting ads for their new album on this very website right now.


I've not read the book having it be a bit gossipy would definitely be right in-step with the historical source material.

I don't know, animating realistic hair is supposed to be one of the biggest pains in the ass there is.


One of my best rulers during my Novgorod campaign was also dubbed "The Unready" due to the young age at which he came into power after his predecessor's 2 year reign was cut short by his death in battle.