
It is indeed. It's also three-hours long so you've got to set some time aside or break it up a bit but it's certainly worth it I'd say.

Yeah I'm quite the partisan for Dredd myself. It's a sharp, smart little movie that achieves exactly what it sets out to do and with fine style to boot. 

Damn, horrifying stuff. Reading stories like that makes seeing their playful home movies all the more disturbing.

The Autobiography of Nicolae Causescu: A superb and extremely fascinating documentary that tells the story of Romania under Causescu's communist dictatorship entirely through archival footage, home movies and propaganda reels.

Twist ending: He wasn't Frankenstein all along!


Doesn't she actually post on here, or am I thinking of some other musician? She seems pretty cool if she's who I'm thinking of.

Johnny X is the online pseudonym of James Joyce.

Better get cracking on that Vo Nguyen Giap obit.

Forcing yourself through season 4 shouldn't be a big time sink, because the best time to watch it is "never".

Mmm fish-birds

Good on you for making the effort.

Thankfully the 'gridlock' narrative seems to be sort of petering out somewhat with the shutdown.

Idi Amin will make a fine Secretary of State. He is very persuasive.

To department outsiders, the ninja party shall appear to be merely an empty room.

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus: Heartbreaker

I'm attempting to learn how to cook things other than pasta. Slowly.

Indeed, I never had much interest in his later work but Hunt for Red October  helped set me along the course to becoming the Russophile I am today, so I've got to give him a hats off on that one.

It's totally a bummer that no one has really taken up the torch in creating proper successors to the early, more realistic Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games. Those were some great titles, fond memories of them for sure.