
Laying Lane would be a bit dark even for Mad Men.

And now we know how Masters of Sex was really born.

That Don Draper looks like a swell, affable young man. I'm sure he'll end up fulfilled and in a loving monogamous relationship!

This is the winter of our Disqustent.


I think this is a rare case where "TOO SOON" can be deployed appropriately.

I did! I was intrigued and interested for that brief moment.

I remember doing group karaoke to a Steely Dan song once, and the entire group basically just made garble noises when lyrics about 'jungle music' came up unexpectedly.

It makes my bowels uncomfortable.

Ah, that makes sense. A good show, but as the cornerstone of a streaming service it's certainly a bit small fry.

Behold, a successful like in these dark and likeless times!

Vikings is actually good!

The results came back, it's definitely cancer.

At least he looks marginally younger than his two bandmates?

Not if the Kaiser has his way!

"Whether black, white or brown, the blood of you mortals is all the same to me"

Best take a deep breath before you watch, because I imagine you'd be running a feature length commentary on this one.

Wild turkeys. Those goofy bastards and their little raptor shuffle amuse me to no end.

I wonder if every Cato event is BYOB. Open-bars are for moochers.

Wheelchair bound.