
On Miss America:


Let it be known: If you don't dance, you're no friend of mine.

I think most of the transitional turmoil can essentially be traced to the lack of strong civil institutions left in the wake of such revolutions.

They're moving it to Beijing.

It wasn't the first time I'd seen it, but I still give my high school film teacher props for reserving one of the school's auditoriums when it was time for us to watch 2001 rather than just on the classroom TV.

Tabloid: An utterly bizarre story with an even more peculiar and fascinating figure at its center. Morris, fascinated as he is with the deceptive nature of truth, clearly had a tremendous time drawing out the many layers of contradiction, deception and interpretation inherent in the McCinney case, as the story…

I just started watching this series on Netflix today fittingly enough, I'd caught the first episode years ago on Masterpiece but had never managed to return to it until now. Not revolutionary certainly, but excellently performed and put-together, and with a great feel for the period.

George H. Thomas all up in this bitch.

I find the sudden explosion (phrasing!) of said debate to be very odd.

They receive joy of strenuous labor. That is enough.

People who've spent a long time in the intelligence community certainly come off as rather…intense, more often than not.

Classic Michael Bay.


Her character was a worthwhile component of the show but I actually think her departure will be good for it dramatically.

Yeah, the lack of pagination makes browsing lengthy threads or finding specific comments intolerable.

Majestically scratching their balls good sir.

It's green cards.

Fiery death seems a rather harsh punishment for mediocrity, no?

Life in the fast lane
Surely make you lose your mind
(to dementia)