
There was a guy on my floor in college who was basically that size in both height and weight. He was too sweet a guy to truly be intimidating, but much like the Hulk I doubt anyone would have liked to see him angry.

When I first read The Lord of the Rings as a kid I for some reason envisioned Tree-Beard as a giant, plaid-clad lumberjack.

Yeah, much like Freaks and Geeks, the season's ending works just as well in many regards as a series finale, with most of the major plot arcs resolved and just enough narrative leeway to allow for some interpretation.

Ya'll folks need to use your local AAA Office. I had to get a new license recently and I was in and out with my new one in under 10 minutes.

I think the consensus is that the first Pink Panther movie is just solid, but it's the subsequent films that are true comedy classics. Though, I've not watched any of them in full in probably over five years minimum so I'm a little hazy.

Terriers: A great show that lived up to expectations and earned its place as an AVC cult-favorite. The show takes what could be a standard premise and distinguishes itself with sharp writing, intricate plotting and characters with real warmth and depth.

Yeah this struck me as easily the most reasonable and rationally argued hate-song. The guy made some well thought out points about children's songs in general, and didn't really engage in any forced hyperbole about why the song is the worst thing since cancer. Think folks are digging pretty hard to be irritated by

Creating a perv thread is a stiff proposition, it must arouse organically from the conversation.

We have position for you at NKVD. Sound like real go-getter (of subversive elements).

That's so gao le wo dad!

I will not buy this for a dollar.

The trailer and plot synopsis for this movie feel lifted from some sort of Monty Python sketch on French cinema.

I unwisely attempted to merge disqus accounts last night so I could use gameological more easily, but now I'm just a mysterious non-person like most others who have tried. Blast you Disqus!

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus That is one hell of a story right there.

I'm not actually too familiar with the Mythology side of things but the latter sounds about right to me.


This reminds me in a very roundabout way of the absolutely ridiculous climax to Apuleius's The Golden Ass. Wherein, if I recall, an adultress who murdered her husband is sentenced to death in the arena via sex with a donkey (the protagonist) before subsequently being left to the beasts.


Although I'm glad that it exists and admire it's dedication to actual education, the ability of How It's Made to put me to sleep is nigh incomparable.

I think we can all agree Butt-Dance is a far superior name to twerking. New Orleans dropped the ball (butt?) on this one.