
I remember once as a kid I went to watch some innocuous sounding show about dog stories.

Table of Malcontents located in Gulag, CatComrade.

It's pregnancy week here at the AV Club.

Don't worry everyone. The New York Times Trends section is here to help you explain twerking to your old, senile parents.


Table of Contents Thread

The dildo wears a top hat (flared!). It's very classy.

What if we were to rename your new album "Kazakh Supermen are Our Superiors"?

Kubrickian porn would just make the viewer feel cold and alone.

I look forward to the actors having to toss around names like 'Anastasia Steele' while maintaining a straight face.

Seeing as your day and new West Ham affiliation precisely mirror the events of an IT Crowd episode, I feel compelled to warn you from that future that you'll soon be involved in a bank heist on behalf of your new soccer, ahem football, friends.

I'm the same way with Hicks, though I wonder if some of it is a generational thing.

The Queen of Versailles: A great, nuanced documentary on what could have been a ridiculous or fluffy subject, and one that provides great insight into the practices and egos that contributed to the financial crisis.


But their ODs will be so glamorous.

Many years ago as a young lad, I took a dump in a wooded area. And then a dog ate it. A dog ate my dump.


CTSU: Cable Theft Special Unit

Presumably living on a makeshift raft ala Waterworld, and slowly paddling towards somewhere in India that's less flooded than his current location.

They were really shouting 'Boo-urns'