
Out the window with it then.

The real question here is, will it be better or worse than public-domain rival Sleepy Hollow?

Awwww Yeaaaaaaah

Breathe This: Why we love Chloroform and You Should Too.

It says 'The Wayne, The'.

The cat with a spoon is on one side of the space-river, with a chicken and a bag of grain, but you've only got a small boat.

Yeah I'd been meaning to watch the movie for quite some time, but had no idea there was a continuation television show. It's not on Netflix at the moment, but I'll definitely have to try and catch it one of these days.

Paging Senor Spielbergo. We've got some science here which is looking to get Biz-zay, consistently and thoroughly.

Date movie!

In a lot of ways, it's a fairly standard case-of-the week procedural and if you're familiar with the conventions of that genre there's plenty that will feel familiar in terms of plotting, crime-solving techniques and characters.

Fuck the walkthrough author who directed me to click on a certain bathtub in that game. That's all I have to say about that.

Yeah I enjoyed Dishonored but absolutely agree on the lack of upgrades for the non-violent/stealth play style.

I found CK2 surprisingly easy to learn, despite traditionally being quite overwhelmed by Paradox's other grand-strategy games. I watched a couple of Youtube videos and did a handful of the in-game tutorials beforehand, but then got impatient to play and just dove right in.

This is England: A fascinating, naturalistic journey through the economic depression and social malaise of the UK in the 1980s and the emerging split within the skinhead subculture that transformed it from a working class outcast movement and into a front for right-wing nationalism. Excellent performances by the young


Oh god, some of the additional photos send the douche-level well into the stratosphere.

As you should be. My peeps are telling me that you need to be at least 20% more 'fiery'.


I have so many questions about butt drugs, but probably don't want to know the answers.

Should have picked up some Walgreens' Big Flats. Now that's a fine brew.