
And any doubt I had that HDB is Patrick Bateman vanished in an instant.


Tweebo has to be some sort of Cockney slang already.

You're not allowed to win the comments and get a firstie. That's just greedy!

Belize is known for its September celebrations, and is the birthplace of chewing gum and Punta music.

Given his juggalo-induced financial woes, we best hope not.

In such cases I just use the Ctrl - (minus) keyboard function to zoom on out.

@avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus Yes! That intro jingle is the best, just a perfect, relaxing tone-setter. In one of the episodes he says it's actually just one of the stock music choices on his editing program, so quite the happy accident as it were.

Tractor Girls III: Promiscuous Proletarians

I can't decide who was The Worst Guy in my major.

Watch out for Paul Ryan. They say he stalks those mountain peaks in search of budget cuts.

1983 Week was clearly a misdirect, it's time for Perv Week everybody.

The History of Rome is a great one. There's hundreds of episodes covering the whole span of Roman history, so you wouldn't run out of listening material anytime soon, though it might be hard to concentrate on it while running.

Well done on the jogging. Pretty much anything over 20 minutes and you're making substantive progress, though obviously one wants to work toward greater than that, which it sounds like you're doing.

We've got a Papillion, she's an awesome little dog. Knows all the best places to curl into a ball and sleep, sprints round the house when we get home and sees us off from the windowsill. She also uses pillows like she's people.

Shortly before I graduated the state's largely Republican legislature cut my school's budget by half, despite already being among the lowest-funded state flagship schools in the country.

They can't show footage of the rim on cable man.


Autocracy and communes? Sounds like the Motherland!

Ah, the New York Post. That fine standard of ethical journalism and Christian morality.