
Your move, Texas

Imagine the following... The owner posts the video of him and his buddies driving the car this way, learning to drive manual and saying that they burned the clutch. Then he takes the car to the dealer for a clutch replacement at during the warranty window. Would the dealer, having seen the video, cover the clutch

I can’t people are ragging on the looks so bad.  I don’t think it looks bad at all.  People should be much more worried about price.  The old CPO Z4s are still expensive enough to buy 2 BRZs with. Do you think BMW is going to let Toyota sell the same car any cheaper.

These will hold their value pretty good once GM kills it, I should get one to hold on to... Oh yeah it’ll probably be like 400k, which is why GM will kill for not selling.

Did anyone here see the episode Scrotie Mcboogerballs?

I wonder what the depreciation curve will look like since they are basically by order only. Could it make sense to pay more for a Volvo that looses less value than a cheaper competitor that looses less value?

Ryan, The math doesn’t make sense here. A $9,198 loan at 22% APR for 36 months equals the payment of 351.28 a month perfectly. So if the loan amount was 9,198 and 3,390 was put down, the dealer received 12,588 after taxes and documentation fees. Your article says the truck costs 16,000.

Did you mean the total amount

Oh no, we’re becoming relevant again. SHELVE IT QUICK!!!

Sounds like we all forgot what it was REALLY like to have a Cadillac only v8 in some cars. How many times have you heard someone wish Cadillac had put an LS in their car? How many times since then have you heard some wish Cadillac had put a Northstar in their car?

This is one case where both the AV and the driver failed, but you want to use this as evidence that the AV is not better than the driver. The truth is less binary. At what point would the driver have been able to prevent the accident vs the AV. Without that you cannot claim the AV is not better than a driver..

There is way too much leather in that gif.

I think he is in the right but the franchisee is trying to bully him to cover themselves. A quick search says the plaintive would have to prove that defendant’s use of a mark has created a likelihood-of-confusion about the origin of the defendant’s goods or services. In this case the goods and services being offered

Is no one going to point out how much easier these tailgates are going to be to steal once they lose 62 pounds? Or how much more its going to cost to replace said stolen tailgates?

This one time I needed a car so bad I had to goto this place nearby called a dealership. It was awful

Ford Escape

I would love to find out if corporate even has the teeth to push this kind of change. The game seems stacked in favor of the franchised dealers. Sure corporate can do something about a customer who has a problem at a dealer’s service desk but that’s because the customer is identifiable at that point. Corporate has

2010 DFW Mazda dealer.

I was told immediately after joining to ignore the training guy we had on staff, and taught to do all these “power plays” and psychological tricks. like “make the customer follow you around the show room and lot for no reason at all to be dominate over them”

Hi Tom,

Look at those pedals! And love the exhaust there!

Does anyone else get the impression that Parker changed his name to Alex and traveled back in time to make fun of himself like a douchey mobius strip?