Ari Shagal

I found it interesting that Bloomberg promised he “won’t offer confidentiality agreements to resolve claims of sexual harassment or misconduct going forward” but not that he stop his deplorable behavior towards women. Just saying.... 

“None of them accuse me of doing anything, other than maybe they didn’t like a joke I told,” Bloomberg lied probably said.

I have so many questions for London Breed right now. But I’m sure all the answers will be a variation of: “IT’$ €OMP£I€ATED.”

I have been donating to Warren since the jump and moved what I was donating to Harris after she dropped out to Warren also. She was the only one who took the time to work out real plans. She also don’t take No shit from redneck billionaires Democrat of rethuglicans.

I think her going after Bloomberg mostly benefits Biden, especially going into SC and the other southern states on Super Tuesday. Biden has been leading in the polls there by like 30 points in some places, but Bloomberg siphoned off about half of that support when he entered the race. Those people could go back to

I would bet my life he said it.

I’ll be so glad when this nightmare primary is over.

Dear Dumb Ass:

I plan on voting for Warren in my state’s primaries. She’s the only one left I don’t shudder to think about pulling the lever for.

Rather than align herself with Hillary, Kamala, Kristen and Amy”

I think she’s still in a three-way tie for the tier right below where Sanders and Buttigieg (who is somehow still in this???*), though. She’s getting comparable actual support to Biden and Bloomberg.

You also ignored quite a few of my points, and never answered my questions that you’re now turning back on me.

You think I don’t read? Why am I here commenting on this then? You think I don’t try to follow the news and the jillion scandals a week that we’ve been seeing since Mango Unchained got elected? You read what I said and what, you think I don’t think???

Policy wise, what would be the difference for me as a black person? Not any other stuff that people worry about, like appointing SC judges or anything like that. What would be the difference for black people?

David, I like Elizabeth. She is the ONLY one currently that I feel would at least try for AA. The rest are just mediocre at best so...

Wait, so who out of the current crop of candidates has better policies for black people? Because Bernie is SURELY better than Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar. Elizabeth Warren is my favorite candidate, but Sanders has to be a close second as far as addressing institutional racism goes.

“See, your looking at ONE issue.”

I agree that Bloomberg was a Republican, and I would have said the same about voting for him if there was still such a thing as a Republican. Because Trump is not a Republican, and there is no longer any such thing as a Republican in the sense the term was understood prior to Trump’s nomination.

“Health care for everyone cool and all”