Ari Shagal

He’s performing for folks who are simple minded enough to fall for it. Also, he thinks his tears show him to be a good but conflicted person.... nah.

This has become my line of attack on black conservatives: their utter irrelevancy and marginalization beyond trolling black progressives and harming black people. Black progressives give the Dems and white progressives that work, hold them accountable, call them out, push them to adhere to their principles. 

I just wish someone there stood up and went “I’m sorry, but why are you crying? If you did nothing wrong and everything was legitimate why are you crying? Little kids who know they fucked up and don’t want to get punished tell on themselves by crying, is that it? You know you did wrong and aren’t shit so we’re not

For all the people saying that elections don’t matter and why should I vote, Exhibit A: Daniel Cameron. He was elected to his position. I am certain some black folks voted for his ass thinking he was one of them. Uh no. He is one of the ones Harriet would’ve shot. He suffers from “We Sick Boss” disease and is living

And whenever the time comes for the next round of conservative contenders of color to be counted, Daniel Cameron is itching and inching to be first in line.

This “man” reeks of nothing but small dick energy, and I hope he:

No matter how many fake tears he sheds the people he is trying to impress will always see his color and hold it against him. They may let him into the house but his place will always be answering the door in black tie and tails for other white folk that know he is just there for show.

...the tears Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron shed during his press conference this afternoon were a audition.”

I could make a case that Don-John is, in fact, a very devout worshipper at the Temple of Mammon. The idol of which is, of course, modeled on the Redcap In Chief's idealized self-image.

Lol, like Trump is religious. Religion for him is just another lie he can use to con and manipulate people into doing his bidding.

Good Luck Joe. Send the devil packing.

I would wager you're 100% correct.   Hate and alcohol definitely tend to age you.

How dare you use the word besmirch in a sentence containing Natty Ice and Olympia Ice. That’s almost the linguistic version of virtue signaling. Don’t no one who drinks that piss can pronounce that word. Elitist.

My take (2 months late) is that, not only has the show been planting little seeds of doubt in Alice as far as her Phyllis Fellowship - as Alice observes more and more the ruthlessness of how far Schlafly is willing to go to stay in front of “her” movement - but also that Alice is someone who would have always been

Thank you for the review!

I’ve been loving this series, but this episode has been my favorite. The right amount of humor and camp (Julie White giving Sarah Paulson a“Christian pill” that sends her soaring into space is pure camp), but it knows when to show its heart- and its knives. Even after a long journey into the possibilities of women’s

The movie Alice walks in on and then rudely stands in front of appears to be Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, a Belgian feminist arthouse movie directed by Chantal Akerman that would have been released just a couple years earlier. It depicts a single suburban mother going through the mind-numbing

I understood that as Rosemary assuming that they had the same thought as her, and were getting up to leave, because the idea that they had “turned” wouldn’t even cross her mind.

There were two really minor points in this episode that made me smile so hard. First was when they showed Phyllis’s response to the poll where her argument is that it can’t be done by a trusted source as evidenced by the obviously false results.