Ari Shagal

in the comments of taylor’s video i found this:

I  had been avoiding hearing her cover of September. After reading your comment, I broke down and went to YouTube. I lasted about 10 seconds. Holy shit, that is bad! She needs to hire somebody to say no once in a while.

Salute! Classic, enduring song! Detroit Love!

Also: was talking about the wider party - the ticket balancing act for VP pick from both parties is a thing. They see value in balancing out any perceived biases that come from regionality by going outside the region for the VP. For the snark on Gore and Kerry they were also following the formula (Tennessee Gore with

Really? BIDEN is the reason Obama set the popular vote record in 2008?

It was Biden’s help that scored Obama a record popular vote in 2008? Really. That’s how we’re retconning history? By attributing Obama’s win to FUCKING BIDEN?

In the context of the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people who currently occupies the Oval Office, and his white supremacist minions who spread their santorum-coated hate all across America and the world, and the neo-Confederates in Congress, running for Congress, and voting for more of them

all candidates deserve to be challenged vigorously. Including the ones we “like”. With regards to a Silent Generation personality like Mr. Biden, it kind of goes without saying that a high degree of his favorability among black American cohorts is due to his relationship with and loyalty to Pres. Obama. For many of

Here you go, Joe. Keep playing. /s

He was picked because people thought Obama was too radical (never mind that the only thing radical about him was his skin) and they love to balance a ticket. He’s polling high because the average black voter is cynical, especially after bitter white people either kept their asses home or voted in any way that

Yeah, definitely not harmless

Pour some buckets of divine love on me is my favorite Def Leppard song 

It’s really nice that Arkham Asylum let her out to do the debates.

NPR did a story on the Green Book a while ago. An anecdote touched home: Blacks who had come to Detroit (like both my grandfathers) frequently drove their families back down South for vacations in their new cars. They used the Green Book to know what gas stations, restaurants (or houses as a last resort) they could

I saw that trailer and immediately thought, “This is Oscar-baiting bullshit, I’ll pass.” It’s CLEAR what the audience is supposed to get out of this movie, which, in an of itself, is annoying.

Aww hell. My great uncle was an American-born son of Italian immigrants, and he was born in very rural Louisiana. Sure, being poor and Italian in the south wasn’t easy. He had a few stories to tell, and they weren’t all fun and easy. He was grateful for WWII taking him away from that life, and glad he ended up in

Paycheck is a paycheck. There are worse films.

Aragorn is 60? Dang... I’d still nedain, if you know what I mean. hehehe.

The most surprising thing I learned when looking into this film was that Viggo Mortensen is 60. The least surprising thing was everything else you said about the film.

If they could make Zoe Saldana blue, and Robert Downey Jr black, they coulda gave this brotha a fake goatee and some contacts lol