Ari Shagal

He’s not my bum-ass president. I spent a good year before the election trying to get people to support the white woman. I tried to keep the fucker out of office. Shit, I was one of the 28% who voted for the white woman, the only Election Day action that could have stopped Trump. The other 72% of eligible voters — and

It’s worse when women do it too. This woman at work who I don’t know that well was all, “So why aren’t you married?” And I said, “I don’t plan to get married.” And she said, “So you haven’t found the right person yet.” And I said, “No. I decided I don’t want to get married.” And she said, “There’s someone for

Also a lot of “country club racism” in that set. But they’re smart enough to only pull it out when they think you’re buddies. But yeah, these are the people passing on job applicants and denying home loans when no one is looking.

As a former Orange County resident, I couldn’t agree more. Though might I add “attends a megachurch”? I have run into enough racists that attend Saddleback and Rock Harbor to feel pretty solid in that observation.

Look, I know dog lovers are generally good people, and usually better people than cat people. 

As a single, 30+ woman, this paired with “when are you getting married?” are the most annoying things I am asked. My ring finger and womb are MY business and when there is a change to them, if I would like for you to know, you will be informed. Until then, mind your own.

Country music makes me want to hide.

Counterpoint: a white guy in a golf shirt talking on a cell phone is much more likely to fuck one’s life up.

Then they have the gall to tell me not to complain about being tired because I don’t have kids and its a luxury that I wake up 7 am on weekends and can’t go back to sleep and chuckle while saying “I wish waking up at 7am on weekends was considered sleeping in”, well fuck you, you chose to have kids. I will complain

Now that I’m 34 and have reached peak “no more fucks left to give,” I’ve changed my answer from a very polite “Oh, I’ve just never really wanted a kid,” to “I hate children and so does my man. If and when I’m ready to take care of something other than myself, I’ll buy a puppy.”

Don’t worry, you’ll change your mind

“You just need to have them. You’ll change your mind”.

IT’S A TRAP!!! Please! Don’t throw away your sleep-filled nights, full bank-accounts, freedom to flit off to New York for the weekend, and ability to pass for 25 when you’re 35 because of family pressure. Children are NOT a requirement for adulthood! And once you have ‘em, you never can go back. At least not without

I had a brief moment of broodiness in my late 20s. Now, I’m just like, thanks but no thanks. We’d be good parents, but we just don’t want it. I’d rather spend my time and money on me. Seeing my friends’ kids (good kids too) just reinforces that feeling. They’re cute and all, but I’m not interested. And I’m sure

I only watched a handful of episodes of Sons of Anarchy, but my take on Sons of Anarchy is that it’s sort of like The Shield or Breaking Bad.

I would add ‘Duck Dynasty’ t-shirts to the list along with the beards that come with the shirts.

My list: 1)Brag about your “small, hometown”. To me, it screams “I lived in a small town without any minorities and the Kl*n holds annual parades at the end of the summer”. 2) Use “Americana” in your daily lexicon... Without any hint of irony. Once again... reminds me the small town, where the Kl*n holds annual

It’s really annoying. Ugh...

I have no desire to have children. Not even an inch. I don’t even feel the uterine quivers, whenever I see a cute/well-behaved child. I am too picky... In mates (long story short: I don’t want a “sperm donor” type of co-parent for my kids). The dumbest thing I keep on hearing is: “Don’t worry, you’ll change your mind,

My dad I had a stroke and could bare speak. When I told him that I was getting married he managed to say “You having a baby?” I was quite insulted.