Ari Shagal

You did miss it. You still are. If your conscience is clear and you truly aren’t offended and you support the cause and all that, then you have nothing to worry about. But the fact that you’re here getting offended ought to tell you something. Just think about it.

Hi, I’m also a white lady. It’s no one’s responsibility, in these incredibly difficult and important times, to “take time” and tell you, an incredibly privileged person, how you are seen by people of color. You do not get extra credit for doing what we should all already be doing.

Well, the same as how anyone sees anyone. Everyone sees skin color, clothing, and looks first. Everyone. What makes people racist is if they stop at that skin color and decide that the person is not worth their time or that they dislike that person without knowing anything about them.

If you’re not offended then this article isn’t about you.

We can only hope they are state charges. Scott Walker won’t spend the political capital to pardon a nobody. He is dumb, but not trump dumb.

Bet quitting was quid pro quo for some kind of charges to be ‘overlooked’.

His facial hair looks like burnt toast with hole in it.

That may be a possibility but I think there would be more fanfare if that were the case. Let’s all hope he gets prosecuted. He deserves it.

I feel like writing some long diatribe about how much of a jackass this guy is, and how much pain and suffering he put on people in his care, but you know what?

“And I an excited to introduce to you... truly a special person here people... my new racial equality advisor David Clarke.”

I bet there is (or will be) a little white child somewhere named Beckys and pronounced BECK-is.

Princess Diana? Just no. Not even close. She’s somewhere between a Rebecca and a Becca. Roosevelt embodies the anti-becky perfectly.

I think you read that wrong, cause it’s perfect for “non-white Becky”.

Definitely not a fan of having my name be synonymous with a sex act - dudes can say really creepy shit when you introduce yourself!


It’s like the Jets and the Sharks!

“He said the [pardoning of] sheriff [Joe ShitstainMcRacist] is near!”

I know Trump’s desperation to make it look like he has a diverse supporter base is almost as great as his need to lie about the size of his crowds but how the hell does the Secret Service allow a guy like Michael the Black Man to be that close to the President?

Trump is mad predictable.