Ari Shagal

I mean this is every conversation you have with someone in which you point out “hey, that was a racist thing to say” and somehow it turns into “YOU’RE THE REAL RACIST BECAUSE I DON’T EVEN SEE RACE”.

I have tried to watch that video three times, but every.damn.time I can’t get past his self-righteous screed about Jim Acosta being “cosmopolitan” because he had the audacity to ask Miller if the English requirement meant that only people from England and Australia were being allowed in. Of course Acosta was being

As soon as they can figure out how to accommodate the entire country. 

And Jimmy Kimmel as well, his “man on the street” bits would ask people if they were for the ACA and briefly described it and they would almost always answer a resounding YES!!! Then when they would ask if they supported Obamacare, like half of them would basically answer “Oh hell no, fuck that n****r. Steve Allen and

The first mistake was letting the ACA be nicknamed Obamacare. The reason so many fucking racist, sexist, dumb idiots hate it is because of Obama’s name and something like 1/4 of people opposing Obamacare don’t even realize it is the ACA (there were a couple of studies that cited that).

Exactly. This “Victims of Obamacare” is nothing more than a negative PR campaign. Vice-President and (alleged) “Mother”-fucker Mike Pence tweeted last night using the same phrase, “victims of Obamacare.”

Like poisonous creatures that are brightly colored, Trump’s hideous appearance is a warning of his even more hideous character.

So... he’ll be meeting with himself?

There has never been a shot of this creature that doesn’t make me want to vomit, scream, and punch it.


Democrats better get their asses ready to vehemently oppose this line of bullshit. Remember how the Repubs sold the idea of “Death Panels” and the like? They are assholes but they are great at branding and I don’t want “Victims of Obamacare” to become a fucking thing.

I had a guy ask me about my nails (online), how long and painted they were. When I asked why he said it was because he was European. I told him I keep them very short since I play cello and garden. He had the sads. I had to laugh and decided he was not dating material.

I know literally zero Italian people: I don’t live in a place with any Italian community whatsoever. I don’t have an Iranian or Cuban friends either. I’d love to!

There is zero dogwhistle. It’s entirely about the fact he comes across as a 1980s used car salesman.

I hate when guys like that act like they’re “one of the ~good~ ones.” Naw, dude. 

Before a first date I had a guy straight up ask me not to shave because he “likes girls with a little fuzz” I promptly canceled the date and told him he wasn’t in a position to make requests about my grooming preferences.

It’s not, I read about the source text on this issue in the Duggar/Huckabee religious views once. There was like an actual pamphlet that covered it written by one of the leaders they follow.

Your empathy is undeserved. She spends her days lying and undermining democracy for our piggy president whose chief trait, beyond malignant narcississm, is judging women by their looks.

Exactly, not on national T.V., what is wrong with these men?

It is so infuriating when a man tells you what you should wear and not to wear, how you should do your hair or why you should wear makeup or why you should smile more, there is no week where a man offers me free unsolicited styling recommendations.