Ari Shagal

Because these guys envision themselves as John Wayne, your archetypal Western hero whose rugged individualistic hardiness and unquestionable morality make them uniquely and solely qualified to dispense absolute justice from the barrel of a gun.

So, as a formerly Hot (I turn 38 next week, and we all know thatzzz not Hot) I endorse this message.

Also, dating another person isn’t about “having” who you want, it’s about spending time with someone and building a relationship that satisfies you both.

Because they just assumed she was a sex worker (i.e. prostitute). A lot of progress has been made in educating law enforcement about sex trafficking, not nowhere near enough.

We have a general culture of holding women responsible for their sexuality since childhood, and not holding men responsible ever. I legitimately wonder how many girls and women seek out law enforcement knowing they will be arrested and charged because prison seems like a better alternative to being trafficked.

Prostitution remains a crime for juveniles in many states, although there is a push now to change that. Up until recently children involved in the sex trade weren’t viewed as victims, just “troubled kids.” Many still aren’t viewed as victims because they don’t fit a standard “victim” profile - some have prior

This isn’t a nuanced response by any stretch of the imagination, but she’s black: black women’s sexuality is often contextualised semiotically, metaphorically by the criminal system as dangerous, uncontainable, risky. So my guess is the prosecutors and police believed she was complicit in her human trafficking case

I would imagine it has something to do with the fact that black teens are not seen as children. Rather than being treated as an exploited child, she was probably charged with prostitution.

That’s because it’s not a preference. Medium-Rare is correct. Everything else is wrong. Well-Done is AN UNHOLY AFFRONT TO ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE WORLD.

He still whines about taking a career hit after Bennifer 1.0. And he is friends with Tom Brady, which is enough to make me dislike anyone.

there was an out-of-court settlement with both accusers, so the charges were dismissed. I’d assume that both women signed non-disclosure agreements in exchange for a hefty financial settlement, which doesn’t mean Affleck is innocent.

True. At least Moonlight ended up winning best picture.

What role did he pull the most inspiration from in regards to Denzel’s talent, was it Training Day, Malcolm X, Carbon Copy? I’m honestly curious because I can’t ever remember him playing “brooding white guy from Boston”.

This feels like watching the Patriots win again, but with a sexual harassment chaser. And a rude beard.

I feel like I’m living in some sort of fucking bizarro universe.

Goodness, both fucking Affleck’s with oscars. To be a mediocre white man in America really is something after all. Fuck the oscars for fucking giving best picture to La La Land.

At least Mel Gibson didn’t win.

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

This professor is an historian of the civil rights movement, activist of social causes, fircely anti-trump, and has been arrested a few times while protesting against racial injustice. He simply is communicating a fact, I bet he too thinks “fuck this horrid woman” but he can’t put it in the book because that wouldn’t

Hmmmm, where is this labeled a movie review? I usually put it in the tags.