Ari Shagal

That’s not what I meant by my statement at all. I meant that as a young gay, much like many gay people before me, falling in love with my best friend helped me realize I was gay. That’s all I meant. Chill out.

From everything I’ve read, this is her closest friend. I choose to believe most people, even the biggest of assholes, would not use their closest best friends like that.

Who’ s”they”? Most of the world, it should come to no one’s particular surprise, do not conduct wedding ceremonies along Anglo Christian lines, using Anglo Christian vows. So, yeah: we’re good.

I’m choosing not to be cynical about this.

Eh, saying “why would he do that to her, she’s so awesome!” implies that less awesome women deserve it or something. This kind of thing nearly always has very little to do with the cheatee and everything to do with the cheater. I honestly think some people aren’t built to be monogamous, which is fine as long as

I say this every time, but the picture that broke the scandal wasn’t just a little harmless sexting. He sent an unsolicited dick pic to a college student who tweeted him to talk about politics and who was none too happy to find herself thrust into the national spotlight because Weiner turned out to be a sleaze.

huh really? You’re making this about monogamy and Americans being prudish? I’m European and this guy disgusts me. He’s sent mutiple dick picks to random women who didn’t even ask for it. He’s an asshole. Of course his political career has been ruined, how could it not be?

For real. I saw it via the New York Times and said out loud, girl, finally. My husband and I went to see the Weiner doc a few months ago and I could not wrap my brain around that fact that she was still with him. Her pained face in literally every scene was hard to watch.

Or he is just an huge, narcissistic asshole who thinks he is entitled to whatever pleasure is in front of him. I’m pretty sure if his wife was a plain looking woman who had a normal job and stayed in the background, he would still be looking for strange in all the wrong places.

I just saw this on TV in the lunch room. I literally jumped up and shouted, “FINALLY!”

...don't have the privilege to hole up and do nothing but write an essay about it...their socioeconomic circumstances force them to move and get back to work, continue providing for their families, etc...

I think what you have said is incredibly callous. As a WOC, I don't see how a human tragedy that happened upon a white woman of privilege is somehow less sad than if it happened to an underprivileged WOC. Just because someone is white and has money doesn't mean that they don't feel pain like the rest of us POC plebs.

I think Mongolian Aids was meant to represent her inappropriate flows of thoughts and actions during a traumatic moment, when all filters fail you, just like feeling like she was flirting with the doctor did.

Of course she's privileged for being able to travel and write about it and for being published in the New

You have failed today's empathy test.

It's a story told by someone who happens to have access to the avenues of publishing. Yes, it's unfair that she has that gate open to her,

80% of miscarriages happen before 12 weeks and literally giving birth to a fetus that is able to be alive (even if briefly) does NOT happen all the time.

Why does it matter that she is white? Loss of a wanted pregnancy is always sad, regardless of the race, religion or socioeconomic status of the mother. That said, the statistic you threw out there about the incidence of miscarriage is somewhat misleading because most miscarriage occurs in the first trimester.

Did you read this at all? Her decision to go on that trip, which was for a story, fed her guilt when she lost her baby. It's not some pseudo-exotic background that has no real relation to the story.

The bit about "Mongolian AIDS" is obviously recounting a thought she was having at a time when she could not process information clearly. I don't think it was meant to be a great sociopolitical statement.

Any time you start a sentence with, "I'm not....." in fact you ARE, or you're about to.