
He was a stupid teenager and a Mets fan. It was also the second game of a doubleheader that went 23 innings, so I imagine everyone who stuck it out was a little loopy near the end. We’re Puerto Rican  (I’m actually from Cepeda’s home town), so I’m going to rule out racism. So 2 and 4, I guess.

Extra innings are how the poor people get good seats. Without extra innings my dear departed father would not have been close enough to hit Orlando Cepeda in the head with a hot dog bun. Imagine how history could have been changed if things had played out differently on that fateful night in 1964.

Still better than the ridiculous idea of starting a runner at 2nd base in extra innings.

But does the blue match the passion of the fans and the city?

It’s the Browns. This is like Schrödinger’s Draft Pick. Whoever they choose has a 50% chance of being a dead cat.

I fully anticipate they will accidentally draft Jason Garrett.

I know why most clubs are going with the circular-club-logo look (more ad space on the jerseys) but man, they look like solidarity butt.

It’s a great logo. Props to the person at SBNation that made it.

I remember an era when men were men and short were shorts. None of this down past their knees crap these candyass kids wear today. On a hot day it wasn’t uncommon to see the bottom of your ball sac peeking out. Did we complain? Hell no! Even if it meant that diving for a loose ball often resulted in tearing your

Someday he’ll lose a step but he will be the last one to know it. When he does, all the brilliance and fun he brings to a team will instead just destroy them as he keeps chasing empty stats while the team doesn’t win shit

Congrats on the fiance.

Don’t forget that GS blew that lead to Cleveland. The who is just as important as the what in that situation.

He gives a lot of shits about Seve. He’s a huge reason why he started playing golf. That narrative got killed today but it’s still a part of the story.

I’m no golf fan. But I am a drunk who spends most Sundays hungover on the couch. And THAT was a fucking awesome round of golf. Congrats to Sergio and Justin Rose.

Is this a long standing hobby of yours, or is this just picking a special someone out of the phone book for a memorable surprise?

they’re saying ‘kuuuuuch’

The shot was pretty fuckin’ cool, but his face afterwards, goddamn that shit was priceless

Detroit swept the regular season series last and the Cavs swept them. The Cavs swept the regular season series with the Spurs during LeBron’s first go round with the Cavs and the Cavs were convincing swept. Regular season means jack shit.

Still dont think any of the East playoff teams will take more than 1 or 2 games in a series versus the Cavs.

Such a poorly refereed game. Also I cannot stand the college ball jump ball rule. What is the purpose of not letting them jump for it? Determined a crucial possession last night. It baffles me this is still a rule.