Do Deadspin readers really click on these articles? I’ve seen maybe 15 E-Sports articles on Deadspin in the past few weeks. I think y’all should keep it on Kotaku. Computer games are most definitely not sports.
Do Deadspin readers really click on these articles? I’ve seen maybe 15 E-Sports articles on Deadspin in the past few weeks. I think y’all should keep it on Kotaku. Computer games are most definitely not sports.
Ah, e-sports.
I don’t get what’s up with all these computer game posts?
don’t pretend that this is a sport. it’s not.
That’s nothing. Most of the big name players from Florida think the alphabet starts and ends with the U.
“You have typos in your comment, you giant dipshit.”
The commentators have to be the editors here, because it’s clear nobody does copy edit at Deadspin.
Thanks for grading my post on a criterion that doesn’t exist. People leave comments for various reasons—if someone doesn’t like getting feedback in this manner, perhaps they shouldn’t write for a blog. not being broadcasted...
Just give the awards to Mad Max: Fury Road. Every year.
I am waiting for the inevitable Grayson Allen/Draymond Green showdown in a year or two. It will be an NBA salute to the Rockettes.
This is cute and all. But can we stop getting Nolan articles on Deadspin. Kthnx.
I know, but I made an executive decision: Smallpox is funnier than acellular pertussis.
Because if he doesn’t, I’ll cough on his kids
Putting a clock on baseball is as ridiculous as taking baseball managers out of their pajamas uniforms. I’m not great at analogies, but some things you just shouldn’t fuck with. Millenial attention span be damned please get off my lawn thank you.
As usual, you have missed the point. No one (except Redford) is angry about this. No one is saying it’s bad for Cousins. They’re just enjoying the hell out of mocking the Kings for making a phenomenally weak deal.
If I came across an article that I believed had no business being I that particular paper, and then continue to find more and more of that type of article, then my boxers would get in a bunch. Yes, I believe that this shit is garbage and it should be placed with similar garbage.
Get this shit off of here
“I’m interested in a powerful position in government and I’m willing to bribe you with a baseball team.”