“By gawd! An RKOakley outta nowhere!!”
“By gawd! An RKOakley outta nowhere!!”
I hope someone bodyslams Dolan from space into the core of the goddamn earth.
Sonny Bono
I never knew Kuato could play guitar!
More like James Dolan out pink slips, amirite?
I can guarantee you that 30 years from now there will still be “Potvin sucks” chants, even though no one will have any idea who Potvin is or why he sucks.
Cool to see Rangers fans leetching themselves to the Oakley situation
Man, now chants at a Rangers game. This is getting Messier and Messier.
I dont care what the situation is—seeing both Mase and Oak in the 90s coming after you has got to rank up there with the scariest things you’ll ever see.
This is. Awesome.
I wouldn’t fuck with Oak at his funeral.
Oakley’s Wikipedia page at the moment:
Oakley is what, 50? 51? and he still looks like he could kill me with one hand.
Who the fuck does James Dolan think he is with “we hope he gets some help soon.” Oak is a fucking legend and Dolan is a fucking joke. This organization is a dumpster fire. I’d rather see Trump own the Knicks.
God I fucking miss this guy!
Let’s remember some other presidents:
Benjamin Harrison
Are we still doing “Phrasing!”?
Pretty bush league of McCutchen to tweet a photo of the only Pirate whose career took a nosedive faster than him.
Your dad would be proud at what an insufferable fuck you’ve grown into. Good to know you’re the only person who’s ever suffered loss in the world.
This is a really horrible take.
As a Falcons fan, this will now bug me to my grave. Julio’s catch should have gone down as an incredible, game-sealing grab. We run it 3 times from there, kick the field goal, and all get to laugh about how close the Pats got