What’s more important, making Roger unhappy or making Trump unhappy? I’m choosing the latter - GO FALCONS
What’s more important, making Roger unhappy or making Trump unhappy? I’m choosing the latter - GO FALCONS
Mark Wahlberg just posted his bail
Disagree. I just watched it the other day. The jokes, the timing, the villain, all infinitesimally superior to anything I’ve seen him write since.
Another national vote that the Russians tried to influence.
I would give a nice gym with no forced social interaction six stars, but I think that says more about me than anything else.
Well, it must be tough realizing your whole life has been a lie, huh?
Somehow that logo is only the second most criminal object in this photo
Let’s look on the bright side. At least it wasn’t racist.
Stephen Colbert was on this issue a decade ago. Welcome to 2006, Betsy.
Right over your head.
Oh yeah, that’s the good stuff.
preeeeeeetty sure the OP was being very, very sarcastic
Draymond Green: But I don’t really care if anyone else sees the game the way I see it, which is as a game where two teams of five players face off each other on a court with a basket on each end, a game where you shoot the ball for points and sometimes kick a random guy in the nuts.
“I would love a Caps-Pens conference final” - NHL Fans
Steelers frantically taking notes on how to score 7 points.
Almost as unimportant and irrelevant as this game!
Aaah, whew. Finally found the final score, 4 paragraphs in.
But did the Cavs blow a 3-1 point lead at any point in the game though?