
Happy Friday!

It's totally adorable. And now I need mashed potatoes.

Sending love.

And I think this will be the last story I read in this thread. Thank you for the palate cleanser, I *might* sleep tonight.

I'm totally not tearing up right now... *sniffle*

In our house we call them the PPCs (Post Poop Crazies). Our kitten launches herself out of the box!


How about flexible schedules for everyone?! Oh, that's right. Caring for the family is women's work....

Oooh, he is pushing back. Go POTUS!

Acornapocalypse, clearly. I got quite a giggle picturing your sister going outside in a huff to clean up.

Ugh. Scalpers are the worst.

Saw them in concert last night and it was amazing. If you are on the fence—buy the ticket.

Hi Lauren. What's the best style of yoga for my husband's first time? I'm leaning toward Iyengar (more individual attention to form and guided use of props), but I'd love your opinion.

So the take home message is to eat copious amounts of butter and pork belly? Excellent... :-)

Did anyone else back away from the screen while reading this?

Truer words were never spoken.

It's almost a tongue twister!

""Tie his silky tie loosely around his penis, then roll it up and down for a silky handjob." Sorry, aren't ties like the dirtiest, most germ-ridden pieces of apparel? I don't have the study handy (pun intended), but this is setting off my alarm bells and I am in no way a germaphobe.

<3 the Hey Dude reference. I was a Ted gal myself.

Do you use as part of your social media strategy? It is a huge time leech though, so if your productivity goes down don't blame me! I just "pinned" one of your rings. Best of luck!