
I only started getting into more than Hounds of Love this year, too. Never For Ever really is fantastic.

And, if you're wearing earphones, making you wince as your ears bleed.

Seeing Kurt acting like a sexual being made me uncomfortable.
Even though I'm roughly the same age as Chris Colfer, I felt like a paedophile watching him grind on sexy Santa. 'Ick' all around.

Do you think they're like The Reasonabilists?
They've got facts. Science facts.

Makes sense that Scientologists* would disapprove of psychiatry. Wasn't there a whole thing about her flying into a murderous rage when Leah Remini left the cul — religion, also?

Yeah, from that picture, he definitely looks like he's supposed to be the wacky neighbour who never knew just how close true love could be. *audience awwwwws*
If only he could manage to keep a darn job! *audience riotously laughs*

I don't know how old he is or is supposed to be, but he could be 40 and still have Kirstie Alley as his mom.
I was pretty surprised to find out she's 62! That seems insane to me.


I know she pretty much throws out cheesy stuff for other people, but I feel like Sia is missing from this list.
Apart from her solo stuff, I do love a couple of the ballads she wrote "with" Aguilera.
I am not proud of myself.

They're sort of working out the site kinks as they go, which… yeah, maybe not the best idea, but it's getting some functionality back slowly but surely.
I feel really sorry for Todd, his Twitter is pretty much just 'shut up, it isn't my fault!' at the moment.
Poor fella…

I guess so… but just this once.

"if they are going to go there, it'd be best to let it evolve slowly."
Haaa! Evolve slowly… Glee… You. You're funny. I like you.

Yessss, I'm right there with you in Shipperville. It's like I don't don't even think they're the best couple and their communication is mostly HORRIBLE, but he's the one person she wants to actually be with (Christopher the Consolation Prize doesn't count) and he looks out for Rory and - gah - all of that makes me

Aghhh, when was this?!
And, as much as I'm loath to agree with him, S4 is one of the best.
When I rewatch, I only watch S1-3 episodes sporadically but then get sucked into huge marathons starting with S4.
And I know, it's awful. I have to rely on Disqus' dashboard to tell me things, which is the worrrrrst

Eclectic Mayhem, you big old expat, you!
…not that I'm implying you're big. Or old.
The expat thing, though? That is a truthfact.
Anyway, I'm well! Yourself? I keep meaning to check in on the GG reviews and be mean about Sims*, but I also keep forgetting.

But I think it'd be a fine thing to show if it weren't played out with a big old wink to the audience at the same time. Plus everyone has the same weird speech patterns that are too 'trying to be conversational'.
He's fine when he's writing huge melodramatic speeches, but anything between Mickey/Rose/Jackie is just so

And let's not forget Richie from 5ive.

I'm really never a fan of RTD when he's all 'ohh… humans only ever talk about chips and TV' so I don't love this episode, plus I always feel like he thinks he knows how 'the common folk' talk and it always sounds bizarre.
Like a bad Eastenders.
Aaaaanyway, definitely a fan of reviewing these first series, because

I'd definitely say Fame Monster is worth a listen - not the whole 'Fame+Fame Monster double CD' thing, but the EP-length one with Bad Romance on it.

In defence of Logan, he — nope, can't even make it through a sentence that begins that way.