
If you've just started season 3, you'll hate him for a good while yet. By season 6, you'll think he's perfect for Rory and retroactively like him.

So going by that picture, the AA extras were just told 'look forlorn, wear a wig'?
I'm not 100% sure why I'm still watching this show, other than liking Janney and Faris.
I guess that's what CBS were hoping for.
The devious bastards…

Hmmm, I dunno.
I'm fairly introvert-y - not on a Luke scale, but then no-one is - and I always tend to go more for extroverts.

The Middle's consistently been a better family comedy than Modern Family.
I'd normally preface something like that with 'in my opinion', but nope - fact.

I loved 'How'z it hangin' - with a z'

That. That exactly is why.

I know it's a silly thing to have expected from a show like this, but I thought that when Faris was crying, the last few minutes were going to be taken up by a good old fashioned conversation with her and her daughter. 
But nope, just a 'you're going to be a better mom than me' joke and we're done.
Also also! This may

Yeahhh, my laptop had an unfortunate water-related death and, as AV Club is horrible to use on a phone, I've been quite Gilmore discussion-less.

I kind of forgot the Francie thing went on for so long!
I remembered their initial bathroom talk and the fallout, but not that she's a seemingly constant and annoying presence.

Crikey, that sounds rough.
And also kind of what Rihanna currently has going on.

I tried to Google that and ended up with a load of Mass Effect results.
…I'm assuming you meant Massachusetts.

On a completely superfluous note, I like that they've let Frankie have slightly longer, non-MomBob hair.
The MomBob is the worst.

Or anything sung by children you would hope to be unsexy to 100% of people.

And now I know too much about you.
Take it over to Savage Love, Lupin, you hooligan.

Also, it kind of depends what kind of sex it is in the first place - you don't want layered strings and microbeats unless it's a wine/candles/romancey kind of night.

While I'd agree that they aren't sexy - apart from Thea from the new album, which, if you haven't listened to it… do so - Seventh Tree and Tales of Us are pretty good albums.

Nude by Radiohead is a pretty sexy song.
Oh, also: Paper Bag/Black Cherry/A lot of non-disco-stomping Goldfrapp is suitable.

Is there a 'best mood music' list?
Vespertine's a pretty great album to put on - if you take 'Cocoon' out of the playlist for being too on-the-nose.

Ha! Yikes.
Maybe if the other person didn't know it and wasn't listening to it carefully, it might have passed them by..?
It has a nice melody, but… wow. No.

I think Bledel always just comes across as uncomfortable more than anything. She's an awkward little thing.