
I actually thought Richard was pretty true to character.
He can be underhand when he feels like he needs to be - like [spoiler] the end of the whole Digger storyline in season four.
I loved Rory's reaction to it, that she would've done it just to please him, but she would've wanted to be prepared.
Tangentially, I meant

No, but it would have been ahmahhhzingly cyahht. Sah cyahht.

Aheehee, minute men…

Did you actually like Taylor before?!

Yeah, more than the endless parade of townie schtick, my main problem is how he writes for Lorelai. She's just overly mean, which I'm sure he thinks is synonymous with 'wit'.

Yeah, that much is obvious.
Actually, Family Guy wasn't awful the first years he was there for.
But that sort of setup-punchline-reference-reference thing works there.
It kind of works on Gilmore, too, but not to the extent he does it.

Yeppity yep yep.
Such a frustrating episode. It's like it takes character continuity - which is something this show is normally amazing with - and thinks 'but what if there was egg-throwing instead?'

Ugh, Daniel Palladino.
His scripts seem to ramble on and on and they're always a bit mean-spirited and just aim to cram in as many references as possible.
I know this is a show that trades in references, but his writing always feels so forced - like he has his own personal '80s-movie-reference' quota to fill.
Like in the

@CasaDeTroBed that's the kind of thing I'd happily own, but never wear.

One Tree Hill.
Pretty awful, schmoopy stuff I think.
I've seen an episode here and there and not liked it at all.

"Some say she's older than the hills upon which we built this land, but her perception of colour is unparalleled and undiminished by cataracts and other old lady maladies.
We call her… Eclectic Mayhem"

Ah yes, of course. The interim wig.
Awful, one and all.
And I know! Just clunkily slapping it on her head.
I know Bledel is awkward by nature, but if that were real, I'd be worried about Lane being bleach-blinded.

@Chartex, I'd say season four clawed back a little, but yeah, huuuuuge drop in quality.
Season three is basically unwatchable.

Shut your bald baby head.
Still too soon.
That reunion video just rubbed salt in the still-open wound

Ha, same with Grey Gardens/Jinkx. Also, the Drew Barrymore/Jessica Lange film was surprisingly good.
Barrymore was craaazily great.

Seriously, watch again. It's maybe the worst wig I've ever seen.

Seth Cohen was just… ugh. The best.

Me too.
Zach wouldn't even have been second choice for me. They could've brought in someone new if they were desperate to give her a love life, but not Zach.
Never Zach.
And I can't be tooooo mad at The O.C. because a) it was kind of awesome and b) Seth Cohen was maybe even better than Dave.

Welcome to Bad Wigs Week at the AV Club.
Coming in second is Lane Kim, for her purple wig that looked like it could possibly pass for actual human hair, if you squint and look at it in dim light.
But storming her way to the way to the front of the pack is Debbie (not Deb, you rat) Fincher.
I mean, seriously?
Unless her

Dave fucking Rygalski is here.
That means Adam Brody's face is here.
I am pleased.