
Yaaasssss, recaps again!
I really love Season 4 - not much Jess/Dean/general guy drama for Rory (although she really doesn't get much to do in general), Lorelai getting her shiz together to open the inn, the beginning of Luke and Lorelai getting together properly, love it all.
There's a three episode stretch in the

I disagree - I didn't like that they never had scenes together but I really like that Lorelai was going for a tough love thing, despite really not wanting to. When Rory flips out at the bar when she's talking to Jess and realising how much she's ruined everything*, it's so satisfying. It's right that she had to come

Agree about the new vocal version of Wuthering Heights, it's much better.

"Eve gets name-checked again. I just like to keep tally"
I thought it was that Annalise actually hadn't had contact with her in weeks and was just lying to make them feel better, like 'oh don't worry, Eve's on it'.
Is that not what she said?

I hate that Murphy clearly just pulled the season-connection thing out of nowhere and then has been pretending like it was always an intention.
It's not clever, it's clumsy and awkward and forced and makes no sense.

It really would be disappointing.
I know that they're probably trying to avoid the thing where they've built up previous seasons before they air and then they become a mess, but why make it such a TOP SECRET MISLEADING MYSTERY if it's then just a very basic premise?
I feel like I want this to still be a misdirect and

I keep feeling that the whole real-crime device is going to blow up at some point, like that isn't actually the framing device they're using and these aren't the actual people talking to camera. Because we 'know' that the main three can't be killed, I'm constantly waiting for one of them to so that we can see what's

Which is kind of fair enough, but the writers they DID have should have been able to, like, write new jokes

"But at what point does repeating the same jokes just become repeating the same jokes?"
That's something I think Cougar Town really struggled with as it got older.
For the last season or two, it was just like a greatest hits album with not much new being added.

Same! It's so lazy and overdone. Otherwise it's the best since Pretty. Odd.

Real Housewives, Beverly Hills preferably, but any kind is fine and hangover-worthy.

They didn't!
Oh, Jesus…
I actually didn't super dislike him when he was at dinner with Liv last episode, but then it was right back to speechifying.
I hate him and I hate that he means B613/conspiracy-plots-that-this-show-isn't-very-good-at are never very far away. I just… ugh.

Needed Me has a real FKA Twigs thing going for it, I like it a lot.
Didn't expect the album to be as good as it is on the whole, she usually has half a good album like Rated R which has her best and worst stuff all mixed in together

I like Tori's version, but James Blake's is my favourite.

Ooh, on a French note, you should try Emilie Simon and start with Vegetal.

I think because he's a dick, I've always stayed far away from Kanye West. But I gave Yeezus a try a few months ago, mainly because I knew Arca had a hand in a few tracks.
I was on a trip with a full day travelling so I downloaded some new music to listen to and tried Yeezus first. Pretty much didn't take it off repeat

I find it so weird that IAmX is basically the house band for the show.
I get that his music has that sexy-electro-murder thing going for it that I'm sure the show is eager to latch on to but it's still strange.

I realised when I was watching this episode that they bounce off each other a lot like Maggie and Emma do in Playing House.
I mean, there were no body rolls, but maybe they'll get there.

Kerry Washington gave some great face at the end of the episode, acknowledging to herself that she's basically running the country.
She seemed alright with it. As you would be, I guess.
On the down side, you have to bang Fitz. And listen to Fitz. And… nope, not worth it.

Unless Fitz and Papa Pope both kill each other at the same time (through plot reasons), leaving Susan to become president and the whole show turns into a wacky fish-out-of-water story about her becoming used to the new way of things.
There'll still be scandals to fix, but they're more 'Uh-oh! The President invited two