
I really do agree with what you said - it is in keeping with her character to freak out like that - but I'm not 100% percent sure we can blame her wanting to be away from 'I'M IN ES-CAH-ROW!' TJ on the baby issue.
I mean… wouldn't you want to be rid of him?
He's the living worst.
Worse than Britta.

I like that when they introduced her as an actual character, she wasn't given a complete free pass, but they made it more like she just gave up on Jess and thought she wasn't the right person to bring him up 'cause her life was all over the place.
I mean, that still makes her kind of awful, but a shade less than you'd

Lord, would you stop with the streaking, @avclub-284452bdab5c8151f9f079dc367ceb6b:disqus ?
It's just no way to liven up a party.

Oh my! Just looked it up and he looks so, so young! 
And more Italian, strangely.
And I know! A whole season of Paul Feig, also!
"Mr. Poole can be so annoying…"

Well that would make sense enough for it to work I think, @avclub-284452bdab5c8151f9f079dc367ceb6b:disqus .
That's some well-thought-out fanwank. *Light applause*
And just looked at the others, they're far more pleasant! I mean, I get why they'd go with the horrible beige… thing for the show, but those others aren't too

Oh, that's nasty…
Though does that mean they'd be the 'Jackson clan'?
Would all men be named Jackson?
Why are Scots so confusing?!

Seriously, that tartan was ridiculous - it was like a burberry/tartan mix. Bleurgh.

I've said it before, but to leave it on that 'he was just so beautiful' bit* should be some kind of punishable crime.

And that's all you can ask of the Gilmores - warm fuzzies.

Love how proud the Gilmores look when Lorelai's getting her diploma.

Ahh okay, then yeah, they're pretty well-realised.

David and Keith are one of your favourite TV couples?
I hated them as a couple.
I've been in a relationship like that where everything you say means something and you end up constantly looking for landmines you're about to step on. 
Maybe it hit too close to home at the time, but it's just super unhealthy all round.

I completely forgot about the weirdest moment in this episode!
I'm not sure whether it was intentional or not. If it was, I don't know how the hell they managed to get it past standards.
When Jesus shoots down Lexi-sex, he does the 'Hey, come on!' thing.
Her reply?
"Come on yourself, Jesus."
It's even in her inflection

Daphne's the woooorst, @avclub-2699a553580f039ce51cb742ed676ad2:disqus .
You give her even the slightest reason to be self-righteous and she'll run with it.
And yeah, I'm really not a fan of Ty and Bay.

That is a tough one.
Are ties allowed?

*plays jaunty piano interlude over credits*

Never mind exploring her religion, I just wish they'd give her some character. Christian girl who sometimes plays guitar and has a dead dad are characteristics, not a character.
She's been around for a season now and she's still just wishy-washy and bland.
I mean, when I'm wishing Toby was still with Simone just for

Pretty Little Liars theme is Secret, isn't it?
Not so much a fan of the show, but that's a good song.

Yeah, Switched at Birth is in such a weird limbo of nothingness at the moment. I've definitely been enjoying The Fosters more, which isn't to say I'm not liking Switched at Birth, it's just lacking… something.
But if you think about it, what else is there for them to do?
They've tackled the difficulties (and

I mean, you forgot the acoustic version of NSync's 'Bye, Bye, Bye'*, but otherwise that's pretty spot on.