
Was the striped blouse the vaguely aztec-y looking one? I noticed her wear that a second time and thought 'yeah, she could get away with wearing that in 2013'.

Season six - I actually saw that one the other day. It's where they have the DAR thing and Richard/Emily confront Mitchum/Shira.

Did the cartwheels have your initials printed on — you know what? 
No, I'm sorry. 
That was going to be an awful joke and I'll have nothing more to do with it.

Wow, from the sounds of them, I really thought some of them would've been made up.

I know, he even made some good points about Lorelai and Richard's relationship in 'Help Wanted'
Maybe he has a ghostwriter..?

No, it definitely is.
I'm not the biggest Kirk fan, but this makes me laugh every time I see it.

a film by kirk

I knowww!
It didn't help at the beginning of the second season when they gave her middle-aged businesswoman hair.

That looks horrible.
I forgot 'sassy best girlfriend who tells it like it is' in my list earlier.
She's a staple in these films.

As much of an advocate as I am about not judging something by title alone - Cougar Town, Bunheads - I just can't get past 'Gayby'.

Okay, well that doesn't look the worst thing in the world.
I feel like I'd be letting Netflix win if I watched it, though.
I mean, I watched a couple of indie-ish films on it a couple of months ago and now all it recommends to me are indie-ish films with people I kind of recognise in them, Kaboom and something called

Ah, maybe that's why Netflix was so vehement about me seeing it, then.
I do loves me some witches and cults.
But okay, apart from me unintentionally using a bad example, I stand by the rest of what I said.

No, I get that what I put isn't maybe representative of that film, I was more talking generally with the rest of the comment - probably wasn't clear about that.
And when the first two minutes are 'gay roommate has a crush on straight roommate', then yeah.

Yes yes yes.
I've completely given up trying to watch any kind of gay movie - as much as Netflix tried to shove Kaboom in my face* - 'cause they're just all filled with the same non-characters learning the same 'lessons' and 'accepting who they are'. 
Either that or they're filled with party gays and I just… ugh.
Oh, or

Well there we are, then
But yeah, I have to assume that at the very least Kathryn would have been squirreling money away.

I mean, you'd assume he'd still have some baseball money - do they make a lot? I'm guessing they do - but yeah, they're meant to have a chain of car washes, not just the one.

Steph is awesome. Her and Jude are my favourites - speaking of, how cute was it watching him come over to Lena in the hospital?
It's very rare that I actually like child characters but d'awwwh.
And yeah, Callie started off as your archetypal Ryan Atwood and they've done a good job with using her.
But hmm, they best know

We're coming to the finale already?
I'm not ready!
Is it the actual season finale or one of ABC Family's weird split seasons?

Oof. So good.
Even though I suspected they were heading towards a proposal, I was still worried they were going to kill Steph - like the stakes actually felt real and not 'a reason to advance plot', even though that we got some of that as well.
It's amazing how invested I am in this show given how short a time it's been

And then Daphne got into a special de-aging machine, took herself back a year or two and wasn't an enraging bitch.