
She might cut off their heads with the brim of an oversized hat.

It's kind of just 'there' at the moment.
The dynamics are all screwed up, as well. I get that Daphne's getting closer to Kathryn and Bay to Regina but does that mean they can't have any of them interacting with each other?
They need to just kill Angelo off-screen (so we don't have to see Gilles Marini try to act out a

I assume it's like the younger kids in Parenthood - either they can't work over a certain amount or they have school or something.
Was actually watching some Parenthood the other day and realised the kid who plays Jude was in it as Max's friend.

I mean, she can turn into a polar bear at will, so if anyone's going to stand a chance…

I didn't even know there were deleted scenes!
Just had a quick YouTube search.
Welp, this shall send me down a deep, dark rabbit-hole of snappy banter…

Oh yeah agreed, it's definitely all in the delivery.

Sometimes, but generally nope.

I'm semi-concerned that the comments - and therefore, I'm guessing page views - have been going way down.
I don't know exactly how they operate it, but I needs m'Gilmore to stick around.

Mucho mac and cheese!
Ahhh, Paris.

Oh God, I'd forgotten about Renford Rejects.
That was aaaawful.
But then, I also used to watch anything Trouble had to offer, so I'm in no position to mock.
You best believe I was rockin' at USA High…
*Hangs heads in shame*

Are you kidding?
Sabrina was the best.
It was on about 20 times a day on Nickelodeon, so I don't really think I was given a choice but to like it.
And yeah, I can't hear anyone ever talk about Mitosis without thinking about that episode.
"Mitosis is… shake your wammy fanny, funky song, funky song."
I was always surprised

Have they said they love it beforehand, though?
If not, it's kinda like you've been stalking them, listening to their conversations with their friends.
Not that that's not a great way to meet people, but I dunno, some may not like it…

*Dyes hair an awful blonde colour, gets under some kind of sheet thing, switches on camera*
Leave Ventimiglia ALOOOOOONE-AH
*Weirdly, tries to become a porn star with new found 'fame'*

There's a certain point where you need to let it all go. I feel like it should've been in her early 20s at the latest.
It's not even like they were that awful, they were just trying to push her into a life she didn't want.
I mean, yes, they continue pushing but that's what all parents do - maybe not as

I always saw that as them wanting to balance out Lorelai's dickish behaviour, like 'Hmmm, Lorelai's being overly bitchy, Emily's starting to look too human. Let's swap 'em!'

I so dislike Lorelai in There's the Rub.
I get that she wouldn't be super-excited to spend a couple of days with Emily after being tricked into it, but in that situation, would you not just think 'eh, okay' and go with it instead of behaving like a petulant teenager?
And would she not realise that it meant that she just

I thought they might have left off an 'f'.
"I just get so damn fancy when I'm disappointed. Went to see the new Superman, came out wearing a monocle…"

UK here, too - I thought it was a Smurfs thing. 
Though whether I got exactly what it was or not, it still wasn't great…

Seriously, even if there's just a five minute conclusion filmed on someone's phone, there needs to be some closure on 'My banana's name is Frankie', because ugh, heartbreaking.

Yeah, it really is great that they all individually get the spotlight for a bit, without completely sacrificing the other three.
I mean, Sasha's still the best obviously, but I did worry at the start that Mel and Ginny were just going to be 'tall one' and 'Megan Hilty jr' and they all got fleshed out really well.